"Fell for you.."

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I smiled to myself seeing him happy.. I wanna see him happy and we are going to be a couple from today. This is different from all the other proposals and relationship. It is so different.

But, what if we don't end up together?

What if I don't get to marry him? Like I thought.. Or dreaming of?

All that's important for me now, is his happiness. With this thought in my mind, I get back to what I was doing.

-After half of the day or so-

I found myself pacing back and forth the kitchen, finding something to eat or atleast make something. I kept making sounds and that's what maybe took Jin's attention. He came downstairs to the kitchen.

"Aish, hyung! What are you doing?" I said nothing or did nothing. "You wanna eat something! Right! Have the fruits that are on the dining table. Ok?" I heard him say. I nodded my head and he turned back to leave.

I held his hand. He stopped right there. "Hyung..?" He softly said while gently trying to let away from my grip. I never let go of it, but pulled him near. "You decided to call me hyung even after we are in a relationship with each other?"

I whispered in his ear. He squirmed a little but didn't push me away. "Hyung.. What else can I call you? You are my first love." He said. Sooo cute. "Mine, too, love." I said.

He slowly turned around, facing me. "What else do you want me to call you?" He said in a soft voice. I melted and bent a little to his level, where our lips nearly touch. "You can call me, Jungkook." I said and he hummed. "Jungkook.. Jeon Jungkook." He said.

I can just die. He is so sweet...

Well, now, I am falling..


Author: will they end up together?

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