Chapter Three

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"Why would A show us that part of the video?" Aria says talking about the video of Ali and Ian we saw last night.

"To keep us distracted for when the next attack is launched" Hanna says

"Or tell is there's more to what happened that night" Emily adds

"Guys Ian tried to kill me in the bell tower to get back his perverted videos and he went after Ali for the same reason" Spencer says

"Yeah but A had us convinced Ian killed Alison and now it's what, two miles form the kissing rock to Ali's house. I mean did she turn off the camera and walk home in the dark, alone?" Emily questions

"Yeah, someone could've been waiting for her and surprised her when she got home."

"Like who?" I ask

"Like Ian" Spencer says "Just because he didn't kill Alison at the kissing rock doesn't mean that he didn't do it an hour later"

"Yeah but it was more secluded by the kissing rock. Why would he wait till she got home before doing it. Makes no sense. And does that mean A didn't kill Ali. I mean if Ian did it, then he isn't A." I say

"If Ian didn't kill Ali, did A?" Hanna questions. After a moment of silence Hanna changes the topic. Asking Aria about Ezra. Eventually i get a text. From Jason. I go outside to see him waiting for me in his car.

"Hey, Whats up?" I ask as i reach his car. 

"Can i talk to you for a second?" 

"Yeah sure" I say as i get into his car

"Look, I said some things after the funeral that i probably should have kept to myself"

"I thought that you felt better knowing that Ian had-"

"Well so did i, but i don't want people getting the wrong idea, you know?"

"I won't say a word. Plus you weren't the only one who said some stuff after the funeral" He smiles at me as i smile back. "Look i have to get back we're, uh, folding programs for the fashion show"

"Ah" He says as he nods his head. I take a second to stare at him. He used to be Ali's hot older brother but my goodness this man is gorgeous. "My mum gets in tomorrow. One final speech before she steps down from the board"

"I thought Jessica DiLaurentis was the board"

"She only joined because of my sister. Ali lived for that fashion show" 

"I should go" I say knowing that i shouldn't be getting to close to him. "Drive safe" I say as i turn and walk away.


After getting an email from Ali's mum, Jessica, we all got to the grille to meet up with her. We're all sitting around the table.

"They've made some nice changes to the menu." Jessica says as we all sit awkwardly. "Haven't they? Hanna what are you gonna order?"

"Um, Chinese chicken salad" Hannah relies

"Allison's favourite" 

"You must be really happy that Jason's moved back" Spencer says

"Happy? I don't even think of that as our house anymore"

"Actually, we all thought Jason moving back was kinda odd" Emily says

"Jason came into family money, and it's his choice what to do with it. He definitely marches to his own drums. Both my kids do. Did" Oh god please get me out of this. Jessica starts to grab boxes and puts clothes one each in front of us. These were Allison's dresses. And she asked us to wear them at the fashion show. After she leaves we speak about it

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