Chapter 2

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After a few months at your uni, you haven't really seen that bootylicous mf. You considered dropping out several times if you didn't see him again which totally isn't a drastic change. After a while u decided to go to one of the college events that they have in the common rooms, you weren't sure of what event it was just picked a rando Thursday's night and walked to the Fruity Pebbles common room. You had made some friends that lived in that residence hall and asked to stay the night. 

Whilst not paying attention  and monologuing to yourself like a fucking loser on walking into a fine pair of titties, again, not that you ( or the author ) is complaint about. 

"We gotta stop meeting like this doll," the person said. You looked up again and you see the GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You felt your face heating up immeNSly. 

"OMGGGGG on sOOOOOO SORRY" ( you weren't sorry) you responded "yeah we do maybe if i had a way of speaking to you, we wouldn't have to stop meeting like this aHHHAAAAAA jk unless????? anyways" you rambled on sexily and totally subtly. 

He laughed sexily and rubbed the back of his neck, "that's real cute doll, we will work on that though." He looked down at you through his lashes. 

damn what mascara he using, you thought. "Maybelline, because I'm worth it" he responded, renegading. 

Omg you thought you had said that I'm you head but if you had just said that out loud, might vent on twitter about it idk. "WE are worth it, comrade" you responded instead. "ANyways, what's your name so i dont keep calling you papi in my head ;))" you said, gothically. 

He laughed and threw his head back showing his fangs, not because the author forgot this was a vampire fic or anything, "ahaHAW my name is Levi, what yours" "(y/n) Dark'ness (l/n)" you said, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. 

"Cute, but i think i will call you down for now" he responded, then he looked at his watch "tech, sorry doll i gtg I'm late for my night class, see ya around ;))" he walked, suspiciously fast, like I can't see how fast, away presumably to his night class. 

"Mannn I didn't even get his nUMBERRRRR" you screeched into a nearby tree. Bu they your friends texted you so u walked to the Fruity Pebbles Common Room.

B L O O D D R I V E ( vampire!dilf x reader )Where stories live. Discover now