21. battle of the fae

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The action began instantly.

Alastair jumped into the sky away from Nyx's reluctant hands, and so did the rest of the fae. The flapping of wings created a wind that blew back Nyx and Catori's hair as the fae began soaring in the sky towards the castle.

Catori took hold of Nyx and pulled her down into the little shelter of earth that Abitha had created for them. They watched as everyone leaped into the sky. The ice fae keeping guard noticed almost immediately, but it took them a few moments to even realize who they were and what was happening. Once they saw a noticeable pair of black and red wings, their eyes widened in horrific realization.

Nyx almost wanted to cry as everything began happening at once. Ice spears were immediately thrown, and everyone was able to block the first round. Shrieks of fear could be heard from inside the castle as everyone was notified that there was an attack.

The air fae began creating forcefields of wind so powerful that the ice spears bounced right off of them, and that is when everyone began to part. Suddenly, dozens of ice soldiers marched out of the castle and leaped up into the air.

Two ice fae went for Alastair, but she sent a large flame of fire their way, and they hissed and retreated momentarily as she began flying towards the castle, hoping to get inside and go straight for Eira. An ice fae suddenly grabbed her in the air and began propelling her downwards, but with a large burst of fire, the ice fae was screaming as he let go and they both fell to the ground.

"Ah!" Abitha yelled as a spear barely missed her and cut along her side. She fell to the ground and rolled, coughing as the breath was knocked from her lungs. A group of ice fae landed gracefully at her feet and smirked down at her as she quickly recuperated from the pain in her side.

"What do we have here, mates?" one of them taunted, kicking at the snow on the ground and causing it to hit Abitha across the cheek.

"A dirt-monger, I think," another once laughed, reaching forward and tearing the leaf from behind her ear and tossing it to the ground. "Creature of the mud."

They all laughed as Abitha quickly stood to her feet and backed away. She looked at them for a moment before closing her eyes and raising her hands in the sky.

The ice fae paused and looked at each other before laughing hysterically at her. "Whatcha gonna do, beast? Make flowers grow out our ears?"

Abitha's eyes opened, and her hazel eyes glowed green as she opened her mouth and released a piercing scream before thrusting her entire body downwards, balling her fists and punching them onto the ground. The entire earth began to shake, a deep vibration sounding in the ice fae's ears. Their laughs ceased when a crack formed in the snow where Abitha's hands met the ground, and suddenly, the earth began to split right open.

The ice fae toppled over as the ground shook below them, and it suddenly opened up before they could think to fly away. Two of them fell into the widening crack in the ground, and the other two were about to leap into the sky, but roots shot up from the earth and slithered tightly around their ankles and yanked them into the crack in the earth.

Abitha looked behind her to see a few of her fellow earth fae conjuring roots from the earth and pulling the ice fae into it. She smiled thankfully and stood up, flying back into the sky to continue fighting.

Caspian hovered closer to the castle, using his water powers to control the spears and send them back towards the ice fae who stood at the towers of the castle, shooting a few right back in their chests and watching them topple off the towers and onto the stone spikes below. He began to become overwhelmed, though, and one larger ice spear hurled right towards his face speedily. Yelling out, he closed his eyes and dipped himself backwards, putting his hands in front of himself. He spread his hands outwards, and the ice spear that was only a foot from his face cracked then shattered right in front of him as he pulled its molecules apart. He used his wings to flip himself backwards in the air to avoid the little shards of ice still coming right at him. Luckily, he was able to avoid the ice and caught himself in the air after having flipped a full circle.

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