Chapter 49: A Coffee Shop

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I kissed Micheal on the forehead as I took my suitcase from the table.

"Mommy's coming back, okay buddy," I tell him, as he giggles and nods.

"Now, Camila, you have to leave. You still have the rest of the day," she murmured, and I smiled and hugged her.

Miss Caroline caressed my shoulder and I said, "Thank you, Miss Caroline."

"Micheal, it's time to say goodbye to Mommy," she says, taking Micheal's chubby hand in hers and waving it. He was so adorable that he made my heart melt.

As I stepped out of Micheal's room, I was welcomed by someone putting their hands around my waist.

With a start, I spun around and saw Valentino.

He grinned and put his hand on my cheek. "Hello," I said purely. He smirks

"Amore, please be careful when you go out," per favore" "I hugged him and nodded.

"I will," I responded, smiling warmly at him. "Thank you very much, Valentino."

I said my goodbyes and walked out the door to find the driver waiting for me, who opened the car door for me and welcomed me inside.

I'm eager to come to the hospital.

I just gazed blankly outside as the driver started driving, replaying what had happened a few days before in my mind: was I meant to hug Alejandro? Was I supposed to forgive him? Did I make the right decision? Do I love him?

My questions were for myself, but even myself can't answer them.


The driver responded, "We're here, Madam," which broke my bubble.

I stepped out of the car when he opened the door for me and felt the wind strike me, causing my hair to fly away. Today, I'm pleased I wore a sweater.

As I passed through the entryway, everyone's gaze was drawn to me.

I approached the front desk and rang the bell.

"Good morning ma'am, what brings you here?"

"Good morning, where is Dr. Elijah's office?" I inquired, as she pulled out her notepad and pen.

She responded, "Yes, what's your name?" I sighed and removed my sunglasses.

I introduced myself as "Camila Romano," and she nodded and signed my name.

"All right, ma'am," she responded, nodding. "It's on the fourth level, in room 736."

I walked to the elevator and pressed the fourth-floor button.

After a minute, the elevator doors open, revealing a lovely hall.

I walked around until I found room 736.

Well, here it is.


"Well, we're delighted to have you here," Doc says and shook my hand.

"I'm delighted to be working for this hospital," I told the doctor, who nodded.

"Well, my next patient has arrived, and you will begin working daily shifts tomorrow," he continued, and I nodded.

"Thank you, Doc," I replied as I walked out of his office.

I smiled as I walked to the exit. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I'm a doctor yet again!

I grabbed some chairs and sat down when I arrived to the exit. I pulled my phone from my purse and dialed Valentino's number.


"Camila? Amore, how was it?" I heard him say.

"Well, it went well," I said, and I heard him sigh in relief.

"I'll be there in a minute to pick you up, okay?" He said and I hummed.

"Bye Amore." He said and hung up.

At the end of the conversation

I sighed and reinserted my phone into my handbag, crossed my arms, and waited.

After a few minutes of waiting, I sighed and looked at my watch, thinking to myself, "Perhaps Valentino is busy."

I think I should simply go to the coffee shop since I'm a little thirsty.

I got out of the hospital and proceeded to a local coffee shop after standing up.

I proceeded to the cashier after entering the coffee shop and requested an iced coffee.

She handed me my change when I gave her the money.

I nodded as she replied, "Your order will be served in a minute, ma'am."

I looked around and spotted a table that was free. I took a peek around and noticed a bookcase. I sat down on the unoccupied seat, grabbed a book, and began to wait.

My order arrived just a few moments. When I thanked the waiter, he nodded and walked away.

As I read the book, I drank my coffee. It was a lovely place.

Someone approached me as I was reading. I was too preoccupied to notice them until they spoke to me. "Miss, may I sit here?" someone said, and I looked up, my eyes widening as I saw Alejandro.

I locked my gaze on him. I despised him. What on earth is he doing here?

He was dressed in a white sweater, black slacks, and a jacket. When I realized I was staring at him like a lunatic, I regained my composure, ignored him, and resumed my reading.

Camila, ignore him! Don't ever let him see your weak place.

He greeted us and sat down in front of me, saying, "Silence indicates yes." I can't believe this person had the audacity to say anything like that.

I expected him to interrogate me with questions, but to my surprise, he simply sat there calmly. I saw him gazing at me as I was reading, so I scowled at him.

"Could you please stop staring at me?" I said, to which he replied with a snicker, and I glanced at him bewildered.

"I can't help it. You are too beautiful, too lovely that I can't take my gaze away from you," he remarked, and I was taken aback by his words, and I blushed stupidly. Camila, are you serious?!

I continued to ignore him, and then his order arrived. He placed an order that was identical to mine.

He rose up and freaking sat down next me with a sigh.

As he leaned on my shoulders, I was taken aback.

He nuzzled his head against my neck and said, "I want to see what you're reading."

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