The Heresy Brothers

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This is the time when nothing was discovered. People still believe in supernatural powers way more than today's world. In those times there were three brothers named AABESH, GOPAL, SAMEER and INDRA who didn't believe in supernatural power. Due to that, those three were living far from human settlement beside a cave which was declared hunted and no one has ever returned from there. But they three didn't believe that so they were famous by the name of heresy brothers. One day AABESH was going somewhere from the way of the cave and when he reached the cave he heard some weird sound coming from inside of the cave. He felt like the cave was calling him for help so he went inside without thinking anything. While he was entering the cave one villager saw him and as soon as he saw that he ran to the village and started shouting”one of the heresy brothers went in the cave”. After hearing that all the villagers gather outside. INDRA, SAMEER and SAMEER also ran inside the cave to save him. They found a few skeletons. After they saw that their heart rate increased. More they walked, the more the cave became dark. Suddenly one bright light came from inside the cave, and then the whole cave was filled with light. After a few minutes of walking they found AABESH staring at 3 statues of something. SAMEER called AABESH but he didn't respond. When they looked in his eye, his eye was missing his eyeballs. They both were shocked and when they touched AABESH then he finally became normal again he started making them understand what happened, how he heard a voice of help and after that he doesn’t remember anything. They tried to escape but they didn't find any exit way, wherever they went they returned to the same place where they found AABESH. After a while when they lost hope, they heard a sound coming from the 3 statues so again AABESH lost his control and walked towards the 3 statues and touched the statues and from that 3 statues one bright light again appeared. When the bright light appears INDRA, SAMEER and SAMEER also lose their eyeballs. When they opened their eyes they were somewhere else. 


The environment was green and many types of animals were there which they hadn't seen before. One of them had 3 tails, 2 horns, few were enormous and few were miniature. They start thinking they are in heaven. Soon they started exploring the place. There, they found many new things, all new from living beings to non living beings. There they found 5 statues of something which was unknown to them. After a few minutes the land totally changed, even the types of animals too and again they found statues  but they were different from the previous and were one less than before. Again after a few minutes the surroundings changed and again they found statues but two less then the first one and different too. After that there was one big bungalow of all the surface they saw perilously and few living species of respective places. When they reached there they felt someone was calling them from inside and according to them they were already dead and were in heaven so they thought it must be heaven angels and went inside. 

There they found someone staring at the wall and counting something. As soon as they saw that, that man requested them to sit but didn't stop counting. They tried to interfere with him but he didn't respond. When he was done counting he turned towards them and started giving answers to their questions like he said you can say this is heaven but they weren't dead and he was incharge of this place and all these animals are from different times. As they were from old age they weren't able to understand this, those statues are the humans of that timeliness who were chosen. And the last thing he said was that all this was decided by his master to protect their civilization from different dangers. He warned them not to use their powers in the wrong way. If they do then they will get killed immediately and they don't have any no options of not to take those powers. So he took them to another room explaining how he is stocked here and doesn't have any one for company so he has brought a few species of different timeliness and in that place time doesn't work so they can't die there. He gave them a few foods to eat which contain the powers. Each got different powers, AABESH got fire, SAMEER got wind and INDRA got water. But among them AABESH got the most powerful power because he was the eldest and had experience of how to handle difficult situations. They gave them a little training on how to control their powers and how to come in that place again and warned them not to reveal about that place. After giving that long information he sent them back.

When they returned they were at the mouth of the cave and when the villagers saw them they were shocked but someone from the back started saying this heresy brothers are cruse and they may kill us so run away from them.  Nobody from the village liked them, everybody ran away from them due to that in a corner of AABESH'S heart one hate started rising but he never let that hate come out. When they got powers people started making fake allegations about them but they did their best to prove them wrong. They saved villagers from different situations but also they were already of them and never trusted them. Time passed but they weren't able to gain their trust but in AABESH started making his own society where he rules and forces people to work for him without letting his brother know. 

One day there was a huge volcanic eruption and due to that all the villagers' houses got burned but they were saved by SAMEER and INDRA. They were transferred to another safe place due to that people started having fate in them and the one who was making fake allegations was killed in the accident with other few villagers. So they said that this was done by their brothers to join his group and if we won't then he will burn all these places at once. So they went to AABESH'S place to talk with him but he wasn't ready to hear anything from them. He said he was the eldest and strongest so go from here. They went to the heaven place and talked with that guy but he wasn't there but one girl was there who was his wife cause he was called from his master and his wife doesn't have answers for anything so they went back and tried to find a way to fix this. They didn't have any other choice rather than fighting with AABESH but they were sure that they would lose but they weren't gonna give up so they sent a challenge letter to AABESH and he accepted the fight. So the next day heresy brothers mate at a place far from the village. AABESH tried to lure them but they didn't listen to him so a huge battle took place with huge destruction even the villagers were experiencing the sounds of the punches and the winds. Few houses were also destroyed. When INDIRA was about to die SAMEER quickly took him and then ran from there and landed at the safe place as he was the only one who could fly, but AABESH didn't take much of his time to find them. At first he went to the village and took all the villagers from there and took them to his society. And next thing he did was search for his brothers. It took him 3-4 hours to find them. 


INDRA wasn't even able to move his finger; most of his bones were broken. Because AABESH shot flame at one of INDRA'S eyes, his left eye got damaged.  SAMEER was doing his best to heal him and contact heaven's God but he wasn't able to do so because he was still with his master. Then at the end SAMEER didn't had other choice then contacting heaven's God's wife and she says that all the thing they are doing is already decided and they can't win with him so they need to make combine their powers which resultant will form a marble-like structure and if AABESH touches that all the three heresy brothers will turned into stone statues like they have seen at the heaven- like place and that's the end of their life. So they didn't have any other option. If they won't sacrifice themselves then AABESH will surely kill them and rule the world and if they sacrifice themselves then AABESH will also be a statue but it wasn't hard for them to decide and they decided to sacrifice themselves. But before they make marble AABESH arrives there and. 


AABESH saw INDRA was on the ground counting his last breath and SAMEER was sitting beside INDRA and both were discussing something. AABESH fired flame there and made the environment like a battlefield after the war had ended. Due to that they were badly injured but SAMEER still had few strength to carry INDRA and fight. But mostly SAMEER tried to dodge the attack to make the marble due to that AABESH tamper hit high and he started shooting flames at random places which led that area to burn. Finally after a few minutes of dodging he finally made the marble but the problem was how to make AABESH touch that cause he was super angry for dodging by SAMEER so he was covered with full flame. Nothing would survive if it touched that flame. So SAMEER asked INDRA, can he throw water at AABESH'S flame so that which INDRA reply with action and when he throw cold water at AABESH'S flame, fog appears which led AABESH unable to see anything and even the flame decreased of which they took an advantage and made him touched the marble and they all turned into stone statues. The marble is still in SHYAM'S hands and many people tried to take the marble to gain power but they ended up dying and that place is restricted to visit by tagging the place haunted and cursed.

***THE END***

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