Chapter 25

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The next morning I woke up without the sound of a baby crying. 
I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was already 10 am. 
I immediately got up and walked in the kitchen, worried that Noah didn't call me.
I didn't see anyone and my worries grew. 
The flat was empty. 
I saw a little note on the table and a croissant. 

"Goodmorning y/n.
Me and Noah went out for a walk.
Don't worry, we're totally fine.
Mrs Hudson helped me to dress him up. 
You needed some sleep and I was free, don't need to thank me. 
We also bought you breakfast. 
Enjoy it.


I let out a sigh of relief and I mentally thanked him. 
I really needed some sleep. 
I turned on the boiler to make some tea, while putting on some music, humming the melody. 
I had breakfast, calmly.
"How long was it that I didn't have breakfast alone?" I thought. 
Suddenly I heard a knock at the door and I turned to it. 
-Coming.- I said, walking to the door and opening it.
I didn't see anyone, then I looked down, noticing that there was a package, right in front of my feet. 
I looked around a second time then, without seeing anyone, I picked it up.
There was a note on it.

"Miss me?


My heart skipped a beat when I saw those initials.
"He's...he's alive?" I thought, feeling both anger and happiness.
I felt my stomach making a flip.
At that moment I heard the door open. 
-Hey mum, we arrived.- Sebastian's voice said as Noah tried to mutter something. 
-He's alive...- I whispered, handing him the paper, with trembling hands. 
-What?- he said shocked, sitting Noah on his booster seat. 
-Yeah, I...I found this out...out of the door a...a moment ago.- I said, undoing the ribbon. 
Inside I found another letter.

"My dear y/n,
Did you miss me?
I hope you did, because I missed you a lot. 
I know you are probably hating me for the whole situation and I'm truly sorry I made you suffer for two years. 
I don't know if you will ever be able to forgive me for my behaviour. 
I'm not trying to justify myself but if I did what I did, it was just because I wanted to protect you. 
Me and your brother worked together for two years to break down my whole network. 
Me and him working together, can you think about it?
Well it was a long and difficult journey but we managed to do it. 
Principally I did it for you and so did Sherlock, even if he'd never admit it.
You know how he is.
Unfortunately for me and him, Mycroft couldn't keep us informed so I can't wait to see you for catching up these two years.
I know this is too much information so I won't stress you, when you want to see him I'll be waiting for you at the Manor. 
In this package there is a silver ring. 
It was mine and it was the first thing I bought with my own money so I'm particularly attached to it.
I want you to have it.
I love you, my dear.


-So he doesn't know about Noah.- Seb said, I looked at the baby who was cuddling his favourite peluche, a little black cat, which Mrs Hudson had bought him a few months ago. 
-I guess he doesn't, no.- I shook my head a little -Didn't he call you?- I asked looking at the simple silver ring. 
-Not yet, no.- he shrugged -But if he does, what you want me to tell him?- 
-I...I don't know...- I said, as Noah stroked my cheek softly, making me smile. 
-When you'll go to meet him?- he asked me. 
-Maybe later today, but just to tell him that I'm happy he's alive but I need some time to think. I won't tell him about Noah right now.- 
-Yeah. You should resolve one problem at the time.- he said. 
-There are just two. Sherlock and Jim.-
-Nope. Three. Sherlock, Jim and Thomas.- he said.
-Thomas isn't a problem. He's just being nice, that's all.-
-Can you please ignore him? You know how much I don't like that guy.- 
-I can't just ignore him, Seb. I know you're worried but he's fine.- I said.
-Hey Noah, mate, can you tell mummy that Thomas is a problem?- he said. 
-Mummy...Seb says...Thoas proble...- the baby said, smiling. 
-Thanks cutie pie, but please don't listen to Seb.- I smiled, rolling my eyes and kissing his cheek.  
-Alright, y/n/n. Me and my little mate here, we are going for a walk and maybe I'll buy him a new toy, if he's a good kid.- Sebastian said, taking him by his hand.
-Noah's a good kid.- Noah complained, crossing his arms. 
-Of course you are, baby.- I patted his head, smiling -Why don't we go to see Sherlock before? Can you come with me?- 
-Sure thing, y/n. Just tell me when you're ready.- he said as I nodded.
I quickly dressed up then we knocked at Sherlock's flat. 
He was pretty surprised to see me, when he saw Sebastian and Noah he understood, without my explanation, that he was Jim's child, but he still was a little shocked.
He also apologised for not telling me about their plan and for not being there for two years.
-Like I said, that day at the cemetery I heard your speech...- he said -And...I love you too, dear sister.- he said hugging me.
-I do too, Sherl, I do too.- I said, hugging him back. 
-Thanks Sebastian for...looking after her and my nephew.- he looked at the kid, smiling a little. 
-Noah, he's uncle Sherlock. Say hi.- I said. 
-Hi uncle.- he said, smiling. 
-Hi Noah.- he said, trying to analyse him.
I told him all that had happened in the last two years and also that Thomas had come back.
When I left his flat I decided to go to Jim, leaving Noah with Sebastian and Sherlock.

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