Chapter 19 - relieving urges

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This chapter contains some adult scenes. Read at your own risk. ;)

Jenny taught me many important things. She taught me how to feel strong when I feel weak. She taught me wise lessons when it came to self-acceptance and the way I grew up.

I learned from her that living in the past didn't get you to the future. Look forward and keep your head high, be proud of who you are as a woman.

She taught me the art of herbal medicine. She taught me more than my mother ever did. She was more of a mother to me than my own.

So while I was preparing the Liyu flower I heard her voice in my head coaching me through it. I had seen her prepare it many times, I even assisted her with it. This time I had to do it all by myself.

I brought the water to a boil and waited until it was the perfect temperature. Declan was watching me from the corner of the room, Joshua and Alani too were nearby. But I had asked them to give me a little space, if I fucked up, Sam would die by my hands.

"You're nervous," Declan noted.

"I am, if I screw it up, he dies because of me."

"He's dying already," Joshua added.

That didn't matter. I gently unwrapped the roots of the plant and picked up the giant leaves that had tiny barbs in them.

In those barbs was a tiny splash of the sap we needed, but to get the barbs open we needed to cook it open. You did that by putting the leaves in boiling water, just for three seconds. If less, it's ruined. If more than those three seconds the barbs open too much and you lose the juice inside those barbs.

I focussed on myself and practiced counting to three. Why did I need to be uncuffed for this? If you would put the leaves in usually, you can't guarantee the three-second rule... So to do that, the best way to do that is just to put your hands in boiling water.

I needed to grind paste afterward so I needed my hands to heal quickly, with the cuffs on that wouldn't work. I growled in pain as I gently put my hands in boiling water and counted.




And I pulled them out and spread them on a plate. Declan said it smelled like a poisonous potent scent. I explained if he drank it like it was now, it would be able to kill an Alpha if taken in large quantities. Though this amount wouldn't kill quickly.

I squeezed the leaves and let the juices cool down. While doing that I grabbed a mortar and pestle and ground the flowers of the lavender into a thick paste while adding the leaves of the Liyu.

After that, I had to let it cook for about two hours on low heat and wait. I used the juices in the plate which I used to drain the Liyu leaves before. After that was boiling I added the thick paste. Slowly but surely in two hours, the thick paste would become a smooth substance.

And when it cooled off it became thicker again. "For now I'll give him a big spoon full of this stuff but afterward he'll only need a teaspoon each day of this paste. I made enough for about three months so we're good for now."

"You're sure it will work?"

"If I'm a good daughter, it will." It came out more vulnerable than I intended to. He didn't know how much she did for me. Maybe she was the reason why I was able to hold out as a rogue.

I kept a close eye on the paste and smelled it regularly if it was close to being done.

When it finally did smell like it was done I grabbed the pot from the fire and scooped the substance into a jar. "Let's go test it out."

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