Chapter 6

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"Come in, dear. I've made snacks." My grandmother rushes me through the door, and I look back at Henry, but he is already gone. He told me that he was going to go for a walk while I am with my grandmother. I insisted that he come inside, but he wanted to give us time alone. I'll meet her next time, he said.

"We have much to talk about." Grandmother sits me down in the chair across from her. A platter of small sandwiches and a pitcher of water takes the over the surface of the coffee table, and I smile. My stomach has been begging for something whipped up by her.

"Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?"

"No, no, I just need you to hear this."

I bite into a sandwich and glance up at her, not knowing what she is going to say. Quickly, I swallow. "Is it bad? Is something wrong?"

Grandmother sits back and clasps her hands together, resting them on her lap. "It is about the moon goddess."

"What—what about her?"

I shakily set the rest of my sandwich down and focus entirely on my grandmother's next words.

"Darling, I know about you, I know what you can do," she abruptly shoves me under the harsh spotlight and abandons me on the grand stage, forcing me to stand alone.

"What are you talking about?"

She sighs. "I have it too, dear. I've always been able to communicate with—"

"What?" I interrupt her, not having the patience to wait for a second longer. "Y-You what?"

I fall back against the chair and look directly at nothing specific. My head is going to burst, my head is going to burst and I do not think I can stop it this time. My eyes stay staring wildly at something as my head attempts to process her statement. 'I have it too, dear,' she makes it sound so expected—so utterly normal when it is definitely not. I have lived with my grandmother for a decade, an entire decade and she has managed to keep this from me. "Why?" I ask dramatically, finally gaining back the ability to form words. "Why, why didn't you—"

"Your mother did not want you to know, dear. For a long time, your mother has been pushing herself away from me, not wanting me to influence your life and such. Well, she got desperate and sent you here, I was over the moon—but her one condition was that I wouldn't tell you that we share this, this gift and such. If you knew about me, well then your mother would expect you to embrace it more. She never wanted this you know, she tried so very hard to keep you from it."

"How can she keep me from it if it consumes my life? It's a part of me, not some habit," I say to her, frustrated by my mother's past thinking.

"I know, dear. I had tried explaining it to her many times in the past when she was around your age, but she refuses to listen. I love her, but your mother is stubborn, so very set in her ways."

I take a deep breath and sit up straight. My eyes wander out the window beside us, searching for Henry, but he is nowhere in sight. He must have walked far.

"So, you see her? You talk to her?" I ask slowly as if I must test the waters.

My grandmother nods. "For as long as I can remember."

"Do you know why we can, I mean, how can we do it?"

She shifts in her spot. "Well, I suppose it runs in the family. My mother had it, but her mother did not, nor did her grandmother, but possibly her great-grandmother—"

"So it skips around, so it skipped over my mother?"

"Well," she ponders, "I suppose that could be. I am not sure how long it has been in the family, darling, but I am assuming for a long time. How it all began, now that is a good question I cannot answer."

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