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"You didn't need to come in today." Deacon walked away from the fridge and handed Luca a drink

"Yeah, well, my gramps would've kicked me around the block if I stayed home just 'cause he died." Luca shrugged

"That is true" y/n said grabbing a water from the fridge as Hondo and Cortez walked in "SWAT always came first."

"I'm very sorry for your loss,guys." Cortez nodded their way

"Thanks." Y/n and luca spoke at the same time

"I mean, he had a long life, you know?" Luca added

"Still always too soon, man." Hondo nodded "I'm sorry."

"The department's putting together a video for the memorial. To honor one of our first team leaders." Jessica smiled slightly at the two

"O.S." Chris smiled nodding "Original SWAT."

"Three generations of Lucas." Deacon looked at them

"Which one is he again?" Street furrowed his brows, y/n stood up and went to the photo on the wall street next to her

"Always out in front." She pointed to him, Cortez left the room and Luca walked yo to the photi

"I know you were close." Chris said to Luca

"Yeah, we were close." He nodded

"Hey, Tan. Deacon and I got to run on something. Lot of guys are gonna want to offer their condolences." Hondo told him trying to make sure the two couldn't hear but they did

"We'll take care of them"

Street placed a hand in y/ns shoulder "you know I mean maybe this is a sign you need someone to be with you comfort you I mean or even maybe-"

"Im stopping you there" y/n shook her head

"We lost all our forward gears." Mumford was telling a story about their grandfather making Luca smile "And their grandfather 360s in reverse and floors it down the fast lane of the Hollywood Freeway with nothing, nothing but taillights and a rearview mirror. And he cut that sucker off before the Vermont exit. I thought I was gonna die before I cleared my first month in SWAT."

"Yeah, we finally had to take the car keys from him a few months ago." Luca shook his head

"Best damn driver in the department." Mumford chuckled

"If he said so himself, and he did." Y/n said maybe a but to coldly

"Let me get you another cup of coffee." Mumford grabbed her cup from her patting her arm

"Hey. Hey. You okay?" Chris rubbed their shoulders

"Hmm? Yeah." Y/n nodded

"Civilian out in the hall, she's making the video for the memorial." Street told him "She just wants to talk to you guys for a sec."

"Gets you away from the crowd for a bit." Chris nodded as they walked out to the girl

"Jilly Clark. I'm so sorry for your loss." She said to them

"Thank you." Luca nodded

"Your team's been telling me what fine officers you are, and third generation and all that, and I'd love to just sit you down, take ten minutes of your-" she tried

"No, we're not interested." Luca shook his head "Look, I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd be happy to talk to you about him. You don't need me, okay? It was nice meeting you."

Luca walked away y/n following behind him, don't get her wrong she loved her grandpa but he definitely wasn't a good person all the time. He just hid it well around others

Got Your Six// S.W.A.T x Reader (posting) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu