Chapter 19

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1 month later...

The sounds of plastic bags and scrapping of metal woke my deep slumber of which I hadn't been planning to leave but that god forsaken sound was too much.

I moan opening both eyelids and turning to see that the noise was Graysons stylist Gloria, the one who helped me pick out my dress. "Oo! Sorry did I wake you?"

I wave my hand in front of my face, "no, no it's fine. Uh, what's happening?"

"Oh, Mr Black told me to go ahead and re vamp your closet! Since you have your engagement party tonight, I needed to get this done right away."

Engagement party? Does she know that this is a facade or is she completely clueless?

"Oh right the party." I made sure to keep the bite out of my voice.

"So is Grayson downstairs or?"

"Oh no, he went to work but Mr Blacks twin is down stairs."

I threw back the duvet and pulled on a pair of shorts under my oversized tee. Gloria seemed to have caught onto the fact that I wasn't overly happy at this particular moment, so she kept to herself.

I raced down the stairs to see Mason throwing back the last of what I can assume is coffee. He grins when he sees me but then his grin falters when he sees the death glare. "Hey sis. How's things?"

His voice is unsteady which means he knows why I'm mad. "Why did Grayson leave without telling me that tonight I have to meet his parents?" My voice remains calm... for now.

"Ohhhh, yeah. I don't think he wanted to face your wrath."

I throw one of my slippers and it hits him in the head. He rubs the spot throwing a glare my way. "I can't believe he'd do this! We've only been faking this for like a week! I can't meet your parents, it's way too soon, not many people have seen us acting all in love together! What if they catch on?"

"You're rambling and it's been a lot longer than one week, more like over a month so calm down."

I throw my other slipper at him. He catches this one and drops it on the floor. "That's it! I'm going to say something to him, we aren't prepared, it'll be plastered all over the media, if I go for job interviews they are going to know! I'm so screwed."

I race to the elevator, pausing to grab one of the keys to his cars. Mason springs to action racing after me. I didn't know what to do so without thinking I grab a vase and launch it at him then press the closing button repeatedly. He catches the vase and places it back on the table. That's all I see before the elevator door closes.

I run through the garage following the sound of the car beeping until I find it and get in. Pulling out of the park I see Mason running out the door that leads to the stairwell. He stands in front of the car. I roll down the window "Mason move!"

"No! You'll have to run me over if you want to get to him!"

I shrug "ok!" I give him a thumbs up and step on the gas. His face immediately shows shock and he launches himself across the garage so I don't run him over. I look in the rear view mirror and see he's yelling something but I've rolled the window back up so I have no idea what he's saying, most likely it's a list of profanities.

I make my way into the entrance of Graysons building. People stare at me, at first I have no idea why, the I realise I'm in a faded Harvard T-shirt I took from Graysons closet one night, a pair of booty shorts and no shoes, not to mention a serious case of bed head.

The bitchy ladies at the front desk all throw a glare at me in unison, almost as if they'd practiced it. I ignore them getting into an elevator and making my way up to the top floor.

After a few stops along the way I made it. Kelly the receptionist didn't even bother to hide her surprise. I stormed up to the front desk "where is he?"

the edge in my voice was a little more than I'd intended. "He's in conference room C but-"

"no time to talk Kelly! I've got a fiancé to murder."

"Stop her!" I look behind me, Masons practically collapsed at the front desk. How did that little shit catch up so fast?

I sprint to conference room C and throw the door open "how dare you not tell me about the engagement party tonight! You just run off to work like some giant pussy because you don't want to face my wrath!!-"

My eyes immediately widen as I see Grayson isn't alone in conference room c, I should've known. Sometimes he comes in here alone to work when trying to escape Preston, yes I call him Preston now. I stare wide eyed at the group of board members of whom I'm supposed to convince to keep my fiancé as CEO. I gulp.

"Gray! Man this bitch almost ran me over with your car-" Mason came up behind me, also pausing when he realises that the board are all sitting there staring at us, along with a very angry Grayson.

"Well..." I say drawing out the word. "Mason, this seems like more your scene so let me know how this all works out." I attempt to dash out the door but he grabs both my shoulders shoving me forward. This is not going to be fun.

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