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Lando and I looked at the beige painted walls of the apartment in Monaco what we just visited for the first time. We had some first impressions and we already decided that we wanted to buy it.

"There still need to be done a lot of work." The man said, I kept eying the steel pipes on the ground. "Doesn't matter. As long as it's finished when we move in." Lando said smiling to the estate agent.

"Right, love?" He continued.

"Yeah, I totally agree!" I said while smiling. I was already thinking about the color of the walls and the type of funiture for this apartment.

"Okay, so you guys want to b-"

"We take it!" Lando says excited while I nod with a big smile. The view was amazing.. The whole harbor of Monaco was visible, I mean I would love to wake up every day of my upcoming life with this view. The estate agent opened up his suitcase and revealed the paperwork. 

"Let's sign." We walked to the table and sat down. We scribble our signature on the paper and afterwards we shake hands.

"Congratulations!" The man said smiling. "Cheers." Lando replied. "Time for champagne?" Lando said with a grin.

"I need to keep going.. duty calls! Enjoy lovebirds!" The estate agents says, after that he exits the apartment.

Lando walked to me and lifted me up in the air. "Our first official home.. together." He said smiling. He held his hands on my waist as he sets me back on the ground.

He presses his soft lips on mine as he kisses them softly. "I love you, Laurí." He said smiling.

"I love you more, Norris." I said with a grin.

"I'm happy to do this together.. We will find a option for your college, okay?" Lando said with worry in his eyes.

I shrug my shoulders as I sigh. "My motivation is completely gone, I actually want to quit but I will disappoint my parents.." I let my eyes wander to outside. "I will sell my apartment room to a girl who needs it, then." I add.

"Hey! Hey! Lau, look at me." Lando grabbed my cheeks with both of his hands.

"Yóu will never disappoint me, okay? If your feeling is not right anymore about this study, just do what you have to do." He whispers as he plants a soft kiss on my nose. I just nod with a soft smile playing on my lips.

"Let's drink some champagne outside." Lando said, he opened the door to the terrace. He placed the bottle on the table and I put two glasses next to it.

"Do your thing." I said while stepping backwards. Lando opened up the bottle but he did it nicely, what I didn't expected of him.

"You thought I would actually spray the entire champagne around this terrace?" Lando said giggling.

"Yeah kinda." I said laughing, I grab the filled champagne glass as I look into Lando his blue eyes. Monaco is the better place for our relationship, since we went public in the UK the whole media was behind our asses. The people in Monaco just don't care who you are because they are too rich to care plus the media doesn't show up here often, I mean like never.

"On a new beginning." I say.

"On a new beginning." Lando replies. We clinck the glasses together and then we take a sip.

"Oh, oh what romantic!" An australian voice said out of nowhere.

"Norris finally settled!" A dutch accent sounded right after.

We walk to the terrace balcony as we looked around where the voices were coming from.

"Joehoe, up here!" Max said, we both looked up in the air as Max and Daniel leaned on the balcony railing both looking down as their hands held a bottle of beer.

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