Chapter 17

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  Back in the hotel room, you drew the bathtub water and waited for it to fill. You checked your phone, sorting a few emails and checking your texts. Your classmates had replied to a meme Gundham sent in the group chat, but otherwise, no texts. I really don't have that many people in my life.

  You set your phone on the bathroom counter, then turned off the tub faucet and carefully settled into the warm water. The magnificent window let you look up at the stars, accompanied by the vibrant half-moon. Besides you swishing the water occasionally, there was no movement or noise.

  "I'm sorry I missed your call earlier." You heard Hajime's voice. Beyond the window, you could see the balcony protrude from the exterior wall, giving you visual access to the lone teenager standing on it. Hajime was on the phone, staring at the sky.

  "Yes, I've looked over the paperwork again. I can come in sometime this week to finish the process." You listened to his half of the conversation. "Okay. Okay. I know. I apologize." He shifted his weight from one leg to the other. "With all due respect, I find that unnecessary. My personal life wouldn't have an effect on the project." His lips pursed. "Understood. I apologize." He leaned on the balcony railing, listening to the mystery person on the other end. "If I may ask, when do I need to make a final decision?" He waited. "...Okay. Okay. Thank you. Goodbye." You watched him pocket his phone, then clasp his hands and drop his head. His chest heaved with big, shaky breaths and his fingers were anxiously drumming on the railing.

  Is he okay?

  With a final sigh, he left the balcony and returned to the living room, giving you no more spectacle to behold.

  You finished up and changed. Hajime used the bathroom right after you, only taking a brief shower before getting back in bed with you.

  "I'm exhausted." Hajime rolled over to face you. "How are you feeling?"

  "I'm good." 

  Hajime looked at your face, his eyes darting around your facial features. 

  "What is it?" you asked.

  "Nothing." He smiled, never taking his eyes off you. 

  "You can go to bed now, if you're tired."

  "I might." He slipped under the covers, adjusting the pillow under his head.

  A slow conversation deescalated into Hajime falling asleep while you stayed up, busy on your phone.

  About an hour passed. You hadn't felt sleepy enough to go to bed, so you mindlessly checked emails and reviewed commissions. Hajime slept silently next to you, only twitching occasionally or rolling over.

  "GAAAAH!" A half-hour later, you were startled by the sudden scream of Hajime who bolted up, wide awake.

  "Hajime?" You dropped your phone. "Are you okay?"

  His jaw was tightly clenched and his eyes widened. He grasped at the sheets frantically while he looked wildly around the room. His chest moved rapidly to keep up with the quick breaths he was taking.

  "Hajime!" You crawled to his side and took him by the shoulders. "Hajime, what's wrong?"

  His eyes finally locked on to you, and his tremors somewhat slowed. He pulled the section of sheets he held up to his chest, keeping his frantic muscles still. His breathing remained rapid and his bottom lip quivered.

  "Hajime, say something." You kept your gaze on his eyes. Pure fear was spread across his face and your efforts were just barely succeeding in quelling the emotion.

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