27: "𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎, 𝚍𝚊𝚍."

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The bright yellow sun was shining down on the citizens of the island, the seagulls flying around in the, now, blue instead of black sky, showing it was now day time out, more specifically, the afternoon. In the backyard of the Chateau, three out of the six teenagers in the group could be seen together, chilling to themselves.

Pope watched as Kiara sat in a metal-like bucket, holding onto the rope that was tied to the big and thick tree branch. It was enough to hold her weight as Pope had lifted her up by the rope. This was the contraption they'd use to get the gold out of the well back at the Crain house, and as it could weigh Kiara, they thought that it'd be able to weigh the others at a time as well.

At the edge of the hot tub, aka the Cat's Ass, JJ sat there, glancing to his friends as his bare feet were dipped into the water. A bottle of alcohol was put beside him, the blonde occasionally drinking out of it. Rather early the morning so he wouldn't be caught, he had left the Cameron household and back to the Chateau where Kiara and Pope had still been sleeping away there.

Neither John B, nor Y/n, could be seen. They were nowhere to be found, making the three friends worry, especially JJ as the Routledge girl was the love of his life. The last the three remembered, the siblings were going out with Ward early in the morning to fish. It was now late in the afternoon and they expected their friends to be back by now. Little did they know what really had happened.

"I got my scholarship interview tomorrow morning. We gotta get this done!" Pope ushers.

Kiara or JJ don't get a chance to respond as the Routledge siblings come stomping into view, causing relief to fill JJ upon seeing his girlfriend there. However, the three took notice of the blank expressions covering their faces as John B didn't even seem to notice the lights and the hot tub in their backyard.

"Dude, baby, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything." JJ informs, clearly lying.

"No, he did not. I did that." Pope corrects.

Confused expressions form on their faces when they see the siblings storm straight past them, Y/n trailing behind her brother. The three were quick to follow, seeing them both searching for something, Y/n in the kitchen and John B in the living room. Eventually, lifting up the pillows on the sofa-bed, John B reveals JJ's gun in his hands.

"John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ questions as he takes a step forward.

However, not liking that he was in his path, John B grabs the blonde by the shoulders and shoves him down onto the sofa-bed, then stomping near the kitchen. Seeing Pope in his way, the brunette does the same thing, shoving Pope against the table before grabbing his sister's hand, the two storming out. Kiara quickly checks on Pope before they all rush out just in time to see the siblings getting onto a motorbike.

John B didn't want his sister coming with him, remembering how Lana warned them both that Ward was a dangerous man. But, he knew that if he was gonna try to get revenge on their father, then she should be able to do the same thing.

"Ward knows about the gold." John B reveals, finally speaking up.

Y/n glances back at them. "He killed our dad."

The Routledge girl's gaze stops on her boyfriend, seeing him staring straight at her. However, John B suddenly drives off, the siblings leaving their three friends behind who had all tried to chase after them but were too slow to do so.


Hours and hours go by as the sun had now set, the bright white moon shining in the black sky. The Chateau was dark, none of the lights being on as the Routledge siblings walked inside. John B had tried to talk to Sarah while Y/n waited in the campervan, but his girlfriend didn't believe him, saying she believed her father instead, not thinking that her father would try to kill her boyfriend and friend.

Both the brother and sister found themselves calling out for their friends, thinking that maybe they were still here but there was no reply. Flashlights were in their hands, giving them a bit of light. Departing from her brother, Y/n finds herself walking into her bedroom, small cries and sobs leaving her mouth.

Walking further into the room, the girl stops in front of a pin board, seeing a picture of her and John B's father sitting there. With shaky hands, Y/n takes it off the wall, seating herself by the edge of her bed as she stares at the photo, tears falling down her red cheeks while sobs escape past her lips. She just wished she could've seen the smile her father was making in this picture one last time.

"I miss you." Y/n whispers.

"I miss him, too." A voice adds.

Glancing up at the doorway, she sees her brother standing there, tears falling down his cheeks as well. As his lip was quivering, the brunette walks over to his sister, seating himself beside her before wrapping his arms around her slightly petit figure, both crying over the man in the photo in Y/n's hands.

Eventually, after a little while, the brother and sister found themselves sitting on the docks side by side, the girls feet dangling over the edge as they sat behind the Chateau. Y/n watches as John B places the photo of their father in a small wooden make-shift basket with a candle to stick the picture up. With a lighter, the Routledge boy lights the candle, holding the basket in his hands.

"Goodbye, Dad." John B mumbles.

Y/n wipes a tear off her cheek. "Bye, Dad."

Leaning down, John B places the basket into the water before leaning back up. Y/n rests her head on his shoulder as they watched the basket float away in the water with their father's picture, the piece of paper beginning to slowly light on fire from the flame of the candle.

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝗃𝗃 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖺𝗇𝗄Where stories live. Discover now