Ayanokoji-Sensei Part 3

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Kiyo POV: 

Making our way to the student dorms I told Arisu about the events that took place earlier this morning. 

Kiyo: So when I introduced myself as the teacher most of the students bursted out laughing while the ones who didn't laugh looked disappointed that a child would be teaching them 

Puffing out my chest a bit I continued with my story.

Kiyo: Because of that I made a bet with them, solve the problem on the board and I will step down as the teacher if not they would have to give me the respect that comes with my position 

Taking interest in this part of the story a smug smile dawned on Arisu´s face. 

Arisu: Fufufu and what question did you write down?

Showing a smug smile of my own I responded.

Kiyo: Fufu I wrote down the Diophantine equation

As I finished speaking Arisu was thrown into a Fufuing fit as she started laughing.

Waiting a few seconds for her to collect herself Arisu finally spoke up.

Arisu: Well I'm sure no one was able to solve it right?

Nodding my in confirmation Arisu continued speaking. 

Arisu: Hmmm you maybe should have used an easier problem since I doubt any of those Class-D students understood just how difficult that problem was. Especially since it took you three days to figure out

Once again nodding my head I couldn't help but find some truth to her words. 

Kiyo: ´Shes right unless those students were well informed about the Diophantine equation and the means used to solve the problem, it would have seemed like any other equation´

Sighing, I accepted the fact that the show I put on was not worth the trouble.

Me and Arisu continued to talk about trivial matters until we reached the student dorms and separated. With Arisu going up to her dorm room while I made my way to the teachers dormitories.

Walking on the sidewalk I recalled how I had first come to meet Arisu and Sakayanagi and how I came into possession of this lab coat that was currently dragging behind me.


Standing alone wrapped in a white lab coat I could only stare at the fire raging in the distance. The smell of burnt flesh and ash still lingered in the air as I tightly hung onto the lab coat which belonged to my father. The events that led to me receiving it were still fresh in my mind. 

A loud bang followed by the scent of smoke.

Questions raced through my mind as I tried to find a logical answer to what was going on.

Kiyo: ´Smoke can only mean one thing fire´

The door to the room was suddenly thrown open as my father hurried in wearing an expression not usually seen on his stern face.

Kiyo: ´He seems worried and anxious´ 

Prof. Ayanokoji: Hurry up and follow me Kiyotaka

Obeying his orders I silently followed my father as the smell of smoke seemed to draw even closer. With fire seeming all around us I felt something being placed around me so I looked up to see that my father had placed his lab coat around my body to act as a sort of fire blanket.

Unused to this kind of treatment I terperarolly forze before once again following my father.

Taking me through multiple hallways I had never seen before we quickly made our way to a door at the end of a long passageway. Opening the door I was greeted by more color than I had seen in my life.

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