Chapter 12

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"What?" Noah asked.

"Nothing. I've said too much. Forget I said anything." I rushed, walking towards the door.

"Why can't you trust me, Gabriella?"

"How do I know you won't go telling the school?" I snapped. "Just drop it, Noah." I left the room, going to my own. I flopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Not a minute later, my door opened. Noah sat on my bed looking at me.

"Don't walk away from me, Gabriella. What were you talking about? What did you mean burnt to the ground?" His eyes narrowed, assessing my passive expression.

"Exactly what it means." I said, shortly. "Leave, Noah. I don't want to talk about it." I kept staring at my ceiling.

I heard a sigh followed by the click of my door shutting. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I took another deep breath, choking out a sob.

I lifted my arm, staring at the underside. The lines were still there, barely noticeable now, but there, nonetheless. The tears flew down my cheeks, out of my control. Why?


"There's a party tonight and you're coming." Reese demanded, slinging her arm over my shoulders.

"No way. I'm not a party person." I closed my locker door, turning in the direction of my classroom.

"Yes, you are! I've watched you mope around the past two days, and you need to let loose!" She exclaimed, earning weird looks from a few students.

"And give the jocks an opportunity to add more torment to their daily taunts? Yeah, no thanks." I walked into english, Reese trailing behind me.

"Come on, Gabby! You need a night of fun! You can't live in a hole of sadness forever!" If only she knew.. "Please, just consider it?" She gave me a puppy dog face, her eyes going big and her lip stick out.

"Nope. I'm not going." I sat in my seat, Reese doing the same.

"Where are you not going?" Noah asked, being the nosey person he is.

"Gabby won't go-" Reese started, but I cut her off.

"When did anything I do or don't do become your concern?" I snapped.

"Get the stick out of your ass, Gabriella. I'm just curious." He responded.

"I'm tired of your prying, Noah, so stay out of it. My life is none of your concern." I turned back to Reese, who sat in her seat. She sported a confused expression.

"I have no idea what your problem is, Gabriella. I haven't done anything to you."

"Thats bull shit and you know it!" I nearly shouted. The teacher stirred a little in her sleep, but didn't wake.

"Oh, really? What exactly have I done?" I spun around to face him, my anger rising.

"You've spread rumors about me, causing me to be bullied everyday since I moved here! You are always bothering me- no matter how many times I tell you to leave me alone! You've pretty much made my life worse than it was when I moved here." I grabbed my books, stood, and stormed from the room. The teacher stayed passed out, drooling on her desk. Don't know how I'm supposed to learn anything in that class. Walking down the hall, not paying attention, I came in contact with a solid surface. My books tumbled from my hands, spilling on the carpeted floor.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't- oh hey, Gabby!" I looked up, seeing Alex standing above me. He bent down to help me pick up my books. "What are you doing out here?" He smiled, as always.

"Your brother was being a wanker, so I left the classroom." I shrugged.

"You can't just leave class, Gabby! Be glad I'm the one that caught you and not a teacher or someone like that." He scolded.

"You're not my dad, Alex. Don't act like you are, ok?" I stood, walking past him. I didn't have a class next period anyway, so I just headed to the courtyard, where I always go.

"Wait, Gabby!" He grabbed my arm, turning me around. "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get in trouble." The look of concern eased my anger.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. Your brother just always gets me so mad!" I groaned, throwing my hands in the air.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a douche bag. He doesn't act nice to anybody really- except Chase and Logon. But they are under ten, so, yeah." He chuckled.

"Do you have a class next period?" He shook his head. "I usually go to the courtyard during this class. You could join me? If you want." I smiled at Alex, who nodded his head. We headed toward the courtyard, a few students milling around the area. We sat in front of the large tree I always sit by.

"What did Noah do this time to make you angry?" Alex asked, pulling a couple bags of chips from his bag. He offered me one to which I happily accepted.

"Just acting like he had the right to put himself in my business." I shrugged, stuffing a chip in my mouth.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Reese wanted me to go to a party tonight and I said no. Noah decided to put himself in the conversation. I told him off and left." I shrugged, again.

"Well, that's Noah for you." He chuckled. "You should go to the party. I'll drive you?" He offered.

"I don't know.." i trailed off, looking away.

"I'm usually the designated driver, so I take Noah and sometimes Jason. Jason doesn't drink, though."

"What does Diane say about you guys going to a party?" I asked, trying to imagine Jason at a party.

"She says that if we get drunk, we better not drive and she won't nurse our hangovers." He shrugs.

"That's cool of her, I guess?" I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"It is cool of her to be pretty trusting like that." He smiled, "I don't drink, though, so I drive."

"Maybe I will go." I said, the decision fairly easy to come to.

It won't be that bad right?


AHHHHH THIS IS SO AMAZING!! You guys are so AMAZING. here's another chapter for the amazing feedback.

Enjoy guys!

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