Chapter 29

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Thank you to @khisee for giving me this idea

The rest of the movie Alya focused on her friends avoiding the whole topic of relationships and boys in general. Lila had started a new set of lies about how Marinette yelled at her last night when she had gotten up to the bathroom and told her some nasty things.

This made the girl's blood boil at how their ex best friend treated their best friend and what had happened to the sweet girl.

Time skip

It was a new day which meant a new set of lies for Lila, today's latest lie had involved the world famous Emily Agreste, the missing wife of Gabriel Agrete and Adriens mother. The reason she chose to lie about them was that recently Adrien had stopped siding with Lila even when the class would do the most to try and force him to.

The only time he would join them willingly was with just the guys or his class without Lila and some of the girls with her, but when she found out Adrien was with them she would instantly grace them with her awful presence.

It had been two weeks since they had been in the South of France. Damian, Nino, Adrien and Marinette were all sitting in the kitchen and Marinette had finally gotten the chance to introduce Damian, her boyfriend, to one of her best friends, Adrien.

They were all sitting in the kitchen away from the class but still in hearing distance, Nino had gotten over his breakup with a lot of ice cream and guys night with Adrien yesterday.

Lila hadn't started lying about Emily yet but soon Gabriel Agreste decided to call on facetime to talk to his son. "It's my father" Adrien said to his friends and lifted up his ipad and answered the call. "Hello father" he said "hello Adrien, how have you been? The photo shoots from the other day came through and you have done well" Adrien was about to thank his father for his praise when they heard something.

"Of Course I know Emily Agreste. She and I were close, we were even in a movie together a year before she went missing." Lila lied and Adrien looked hurt. Lila had decided to lie about his mother of all people. Adrien was done, he looked to his father who was red with anger.

"Who is that?" he gritted out, "liar Rossi" Daminan answered and Adrien turned the screen towards them "she has been lying about knowing many celebrities but she's never lied about your wife I'm so sorry" Marinette said looking at him and he nodded "Natalie" he called and she came into his office.

He then turned to them "I think we need to expose her once and for all" Nino said and Gabriel nodded once again clicking something on the computer he was calling from "name all the celebrities she has lied about, we will be emailing about the news of someone claiming to know and be friends with them. Now all we need is proof." he said looking towards the teenagers.

Whenever Lila lies a classmate of ours Alya Cesair, sehs a blogger who runs the Ladyblog which use to be filled with things about ladybug, but now it's a tabloid website where she post all of the liars lies we go through them and find everyone she lied about and what she said about them. We can then put this in the email along with the link to the video attached to show we're telling the truth" Marinette said, explaining her plan.

She looked at all of them and they looked back at Me. Agreste who gave her a small smile. "I like your plan and I would like your help to expose this liar and anyone who was involved with her adn to know if she has done anything specifically to you so we can take this to the police '' Gabriel said and they nodded.

Gabriel then turned to look at Nino specifically "I was wrong about you, I am glad my son has found a friend that believes in the truth rather than an unrealistic fairytale." the fashion designer said to the DJ "thank you du..sir" he said.

Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait. I had no idea what to write and thank you to @khisee for giving me this wonderful idea. If any of you guys have an idea you would like me to use in this book I love hearing your ideas and using them in my books.

Enjoy reading :D

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