Ch.4 Forward

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Author - heys guys, I just wanna know if I'm doing a good job or at least a right one- ,writing this story. If any of you have any ideas or complaints pls let me know. Ik I just started but I can't help but have my doubts.

Anyways. Enjoy


It's getting dark now, and my legs are burning from how long I've been peddling. Every inch of my body aching. I'm so exhausted but I know I have to keep going.

Or else they will find me, and I don't want that

I know they're looking for me.

I can feel it.

That's why I can't stop. But I also can't keep going; at this rate I'll probably pass out from exhaustion.

I sigh and stop in a random neighborhood. I get off that bike and crouch down. Opening my bag I reach for a water bottle and one of the leftover sandwiches.

Shoving some if the sandwich in my mouth; moaning from the deliciousness that I've missed oh so much.

Its been far too long since I had a meal I didn't have to look nor beg for.

I stand up; flinging the backpack over my shoulder. Now walking while holding on to my sandwich and handle of the bike.

Most of the streets are relatively empty. Only 1 or 2 people passing by.

I continue for about 25 more minutes; looking for any kind of diner or shelter to get some sleep in.

Until I spot a pair of dim headlights coming down the street towards me.

I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion as the car begin to slow down.

Instinctively I start backing up, getting ready to hop back on the bike if needed.

The car completely stopped. Only yards away.

Hey...I know that car-

My body rigid when I heard the voice that finalized my suspicion

The voice I never wanted to hear again.

"It's nice to see you again Stella" the figure said as it emerged out the car holding something in their hand.

"You really had me there, I thought I'd never see" the man stepped into the rising moonlight.

Revealing his face.


"It took me quite a while to find you, after going up and down countless streets and roads" he sighed , "you never let us finished what we started in the basement, you left me hungry Stella" he mocked me.

I couldn't speak. My body froze.

I'm scared.

I don't know how to deal with that fear. And that's just scaring me more.

What do I do..

He wasn't supposed to find me. Ever.

I push my fear aside; wanting to deal with emotions later.

Right now isn't the time for my feelings. I need to move.

I quickly turn the bike around; hopping on it. Placing my tired feet back on the peddle wasting no time to start riding.

"Nuh uh Stella, I can't have you leaving again. I won't make that same mistake." That all I heard before a booming sound erupted from behind me.

I scream in pain, feeling a rush of agonizing pain throbbing through my leg. Falling off the bike.

My body meeting with the pavement. While my ears were ringing.

I hastily touch my injured leg with my hand and brung my hand in front of my face.

Panicking as my whole palm was covered in a scarlet liquid.

He shot me!

I slowly pick myself of the ground, groaning in result

Run. I have to run. He's going to kill me!

I get up off the ground ducking a few times to avoid multiple shots that came firing short after.

Limping quickly through bushes in front of some people houses trying to hide.

Sh!t! I can't run on a injured leg and carry a backpack with me!

I unzip my bag quickly grabbing my small amount of cash I packed for a bus ticket and Mr. cuddles. Hesitantly abandoning my backpack; I start running/limping through people backyards.

Passing people's garbage bins and other backyards scattered with children toys.

After a few more gunshots fired I hear Derek curse to himself before loud foot steps  pounding on the concrete.

"You can't hide from me forever Stella!" Echoing through the night.

I have to hide!

I spot a house with its lights still on.

I pause slightly, not really want to interact with more people but it looks like I don't really have a choice.

Limping towards the house.

I reach the door; I start banging on it.

"Please open up! Help me please! I whisper yelled. Panic coursing through my veins

I glance around making sure I was still alone.

"Stella..." I hear a voice echoing through the neighborhood.

My banging increased dramatically.

"Please open the door!" I whisper yell again. Tears welling up in my eyes.

After a few minutes, the door I was banging on jerked open.

(Hey guys! I decided to make this a two part chapter since this chapter is really long. I'll make the next part maybe tomorrow or in a few days)

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