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Five years after the war which united humans and Sentinels against one enemy, (Agent Smith), resulting in a declaration of peace between the Sentinels and the people of Zion. On the surface, the City of Zion seemed to be thriving. However, the people of Zion were divided, the majority being sided with the peace treaty with the Sentinels; the minority being against it. In the belief that the most important goal was the destruction of all Sentinels, which they thought was the correct path to take. The main reason for their division was that during the forming of the peace treaty between humans and Sentinels, the Sentinels added conditions that were difficult to accept. Furthermore, among these conditions, one was too horrifying that all leaders of Zion just could not roll over and accept. The Sentinels had conditioned to keep breeding humans and using them as a power source. The leaders discussed among themselves. Eventually one came up with an idea to add a rule for the condition of human breeding, which was to limit the number of people bred and to let the new breed of humans know about the real world when they reach the age of 16. Most found that that was the best viable option, a few however could not accept that and asked to think of another way but since the leaders worked as a majority rule, most agreed to proceed with the rule to which the Sentinels gladly agreed to, thereby leaving a divide between leaders, those who were against such rules and those who accepted them. That, in turn, created a gap between the people of Zion which kept increasing over the next five years, between the majority, which was those who sided with the leaders and stood with the rights of mankind, and the minority which were those who sided by the leaders that stood to maintained their original goal, which sought the destruction of all Sentinels.

(Neo) sided with the leaders of the minority. Since he was ''The One", the man that lead the humans to victory and was considered a hero by all the people of Zion, the leaders thought that that would impact the decisions of the people of Zion. However, unwilling to spark another war against the Sentinels, and continue to live in fear of them. Fear of going back to a life of not living but surviving. Most could not walk that path again thus turned their backs on those who stood by the ones that sought the of end all Sentinels, and decided to move forward to maintaining the peace with them. Five years later, those that stood against the Sentinels stood against the treaty, thereby becoming branded as terrorists by the order of the new government within the city of Zion, Thus creating a special task force within the Zion Police specifically to take down those terrorists under the operation name, (Saviours).

To maintain peace and equality and to spark a new relationship, a new step, and to try to Bury the hatchet, the Zion government started contracting Sentinels to aid in the rise of new Zion, from a slum to a bustling metropolis. With the help of Sentinels, New Zion city seemed to be thriving and as a result, the people started living happy lives, getting jobs, going to school, and scientists even started researching ways to make the blackened sky bright again. They thought that that would revert the Sentinels to solar instead of depending on humans as a power source. However, whatever work they did was questioned by the ones they considered terrorists, questioning whether or not that was true freedom and not another form of control. They wondered if the sky showed the sun again that the Sentinels would revert to solar power... The reason behind those questions was because, for the past 1000 years, Sentinels would have thought of a solution, and if so, then why did they maintain the use of people as a means of power... On the outskirts of new Zion, underground, we find abandoned tunnels where the terrorists were thought to be residing, every day the Zion police send scouts to search for their hideout within the maze tunnels not knowing about where the tunnels start and where they end. Luckily for the terrorists, they had a man within their ranks that knew everything about those tunnels to the point where he lead them to a room-like structure within the tunnels. There we find them preparing a new plan of taking the Sentinels empire down.

(Neo), (Morpheus), (Niobe), former Councilor (Haman), (link), and (Roland) stood at the table discussing and debating on the next best course of action against the Sentinels. The discussion quickly turned into arguments among them, however, only (Neo) stood silent and (Morpheus) spoke up telling them, about how arguments will only cause an endless cycle of unnecessary discourse which would only lead in favor of the (Sentinels), and that they must calmly listen, think and then respond to truly make a difference, which led them to a sudden calm where then Niobe ask (Neo) about his thoughts by telling him.

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