27: The Sadness

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Percy POV

The government was flying us home on a private jet. While we were all the same age, we lived all over the country, so the trip was going to be a long one. The flight was going to the West coast first before heading to the east coast.

Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Jason, Piper, and Annabeth lived in California. Leo studies in California, but his family lives in Texas. Nico, Will, Rachel, Thalia, and I come from New York.

So, that's where we were headed.

However, I had to talk to Jason and Thalia before we landed in California. Jason and Piper would go back to their apartment, but he needed to know the truth.

"Hey, are you ready to have this conversation?" I asked quietly.

Thalia had just come back to her seat after feeding the baby. Now, baby Sally was sleeping in a crib that the CIA had provided.

Thalia took a deep breath and nodded. her gaze flitted to Jason before she gestured for me to join them. I was going to join them eventually because I had to tell them about Zeus. Regardless, I walked with Thalia towards Jason because she seemed nervous.

"Hi, Jason, may I speak with you in private?" Thalia asked softly.

Jason looked up from his conversation with Piper. They both seemed happy to be going back home. At least, they were happy.

To be honest, I was dreading the idea of going home. I wasn't even sure if I had a home to go back to. I didn't have a family anymore.

"Yeah, sure, Thalia. Um, where do we talk in private though?"

The private plane was spacious and luxurious, but everyone was scattered throughout. No section was private.

"There's a small room beyond the bathroom. That's where I fed the baby, so we can go there," Thalia responded.

The room in the back was meant to be an office based on the yellow wall decor. Clearly, the CIA had removed the desk and chairs, so it was an empty room. But, it was large enough to easily fit three people.

"So, what is it? You're making me a little nervous," Jason replied.

I sighed as I sat on the floor. This was a private conversation between them for now, so I was trying to stay back.

Thalia approached Jason and hugged him surprisingly.

"You're my baby brother, Jason," Thalia whispered. I couldn't help but smile at Jason's confused face. Regardless, he hugged his sister.

"I don't understand. I know that we have gotten close, but-"

"Jason, I saw the same memory that you saw in the blue room. While you were the little boy, I was the young girl. I lost you that day when I was adopted," Thalia explained.

"Wait, Thalia, I can't believe it," Jason said with a deep breath. "I mean, I did feel connected to you since the first day at Elysium, and we have the same eyes as well."

Thalia laughed as she agreed.

"I know that it's difficult to understand, but I am Thalia Grace. If you want, I can show you adoption papers or whatever. But, I am your sister."

Jason smiled. This time he initiated the embrace.

I could tell that Jason believed everything that he was being told, and I couldn't help but smile. This was everything. They were becoming a family. It was sad. I had lost my family whilst at Elysium, but they had become one.

Jason wiped a few tears from his face as he smiled.

"I guess that I also have a little niece as well. Gods, I'm so happy right now. Honestly, Piper was suggesting something like this, but it seemed impossible," Jason chuckled. His facial expressions were filled with joy and shock and everything else.

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