[4] The Tell

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"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others

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"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others."

Allison shifts in the bed next to me, and I feel her get out of the bed. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes.

"What's going on? You ok?" I ask sleepily, we spent the night gossiping and discussing her and Scott's relationship, and how mine and Stiles' date went.

She turns her head towards me but continues listening outside her bedroom door. She gives a slow nod.

"I heard something." She whispers, before staring me in the eyes, I get the message immediately and slowly get out of Allison's bed as not to make any noise.

Luckily Mr. and Mrs. Argent welcomed me with open arms as Allison's friend and didn't mind me staying over so much. There was only so much of Lydia and Jackson I could handle listening to.

We quietly go out onto the stairs together, looking over the banister. I see Allison's dad, dressed and getting his shoes on.

"What's going on?" Allison asks, and her dad snaps his head up to us, before giving an apologetic look that we could make out in the darkness.

"Your aunt Kate just texted. I'm heading out to pick her out."

"But it's 2 in the morning. Is everything okay?" Allison asks worriedly, I stand closer to her for reassurance. "Yeah, yeah. She's just having a little car trouble."

"Not serious, is it?" I ask, quietly as not to wake Mrs. Argent, Allison's dad gives me a reassuring smile.

"No, just a flat tire. Go - go back to bed, girls." We nodded and went back to Allison's room together, before hitting the mattress and falling straight back asleep.

A few hours later, we are getting ready for the day ahead, and Allison heads out into the hallway to go to the bathroom.

I jump as I hear a scream, then another one, and quickly head to the adjacent room, seeing Allison in the arms of who I could only assume was her Aunt Kate.

I stand by the doorway so as not to intrude with a smile on my face, remembering how happy I was to see my Aunt when Lydia's mom took me in.

"I don't see you for a year, and you turn into a fricken' runway model?" Kate gasps, and I laugh along with Allison who bashfully pushes her away, Kate turns at the sound and smiles at me, "And look at you! You must be the Isabel Martin - Allison's best friend!" She says before pulling me in for a hug, which I reciprocate. "Oh! Hate you both." She cries out, making us both laugh.

"We haven't even showered yet." I answer in-between laughs, and Kate looks between us before shaking her head.

"Sweetie, you girls are knockouts. In fact, I hope you both have the boys knocking each other's teeth out for your attention." She compliments, suggestively raising her eyebrows. Allison has a smile reach her eyes.

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