[028] ━━ yuri's ready to confess her feelings!

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real life

THE world around Yuri felt lighter

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THE world around Yuri felt lighter. She couldn't explain it, but somehow, everything was brighter than before. She saw the beauty in the littlest of things — like dogs stopping to sniff a lampost, or two young girls running down the street giggling over somthing completely foreign to Yuri, over something she'll never understand because she's much other than them. She's finds beauty in other's stopping to help strangers in need. In all that beauty, Yuri could see bright yellow. Yellow's the color of warmth, and fun, yellow's the color of comfort and light. It's the color of Yang Jungwon's smile.

      With a spring in her step and a yellow smile on her face, Yuri enters school. Her eyes are wide, taking in all her surroundings. She notices people watching her, she notices the bright posters decorating the school hall showcasing what was coming up these last few weeks of school — Yuri notices so many things she's never seen before.

      It was like overnight Yuri's whole world had changed. Her mother hadn't contact her yet in days and her father isn't pushing her to talk to her mother, her sibings aren't bothering her just as much anymore, and her step-mother's hugs have gotten warmer. Sunghoon's contacting her more than usual lately and. . . Jungwon. Oh Jungwon. Yuri's smile gets brighter. Jungwon. Jungwon. Jungwon. She never wants to stop saying his name. She wants to sing his name. She wants to create a piano piece and title it; 'Jungwon.' Everything should be about Yang Jungwon. Yuri's sure of it.

      "Yuri on ice!" Ji-Woo voice rises above the rest. For once, Yuri stops and waits for her friend and her cousin to catch up to her. Together, she glides through the hallway with her two best friends at her hip. How it always should be.

      "Are we going to talk about last night?" Ji-Woo asks Yuri, "because Jungwon gave you a fucking goodbye kiss. What the hell happened in the theatre, Yuri?"

      Yuri's pretty sure she's blushing, but for once, Yuri doesn't care. She deserves to blush over Yang Jungwon. He's the only one who could make her blush like this, and Yuri doesn't ever want to stop blushing now. She's addicted to Yang Jungwon. It's official.

      She can remember Jungown's lips against hers. She can remember the popcorn taste. She can remember falling deeper into the abyss of Jungwon, she can remember the supernova exploding throughout her body, covering and dazzling Yuri in stardust so she could fly. Fly to the heavens and above, fly to her future where she lay in Jungwon's arms, forever peaceful. She can remember the curves of his face against her hands as she holds him gently, like he was going to break beneath her touch. Oh Jungwon. Yuri sighs contently. "I love him," she whispers to no one in particular, "I love him and I'm okay with that."

      "I'm glad for you, Yuri," Seo-Jun says, squeezing the girl tightly, though he was also worried for his cousin. Jungwon was like the weather; you could predict his next moves, you could predict what he was thinking, but the prediction wasn't always right. It was wrong, sometimes the edges were too sharp or too smooth, sometimes the sun didn't come out when it was supposed to — it was hard to pick out what Yang Jungwon was going to do next.

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