Chapter Twenty: Real Life

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A/N: uhhh idk what to say I don't even know what this chapter is gonna be about, so sorry if it's bad

"Wow," Olivia said, looking into the car mirror at the front. "I look disgusting."

"You're fine," Pluto assured her. "You can clean yourself up when we get back to the hotel."

They were driving, and Olivia was in the passenger's seat, while Valerie, Beatrix and I, were huddled together in the back, suddenly freezing. The rest of the crowd had gone home to their separate houses.

"So, tell us how you got out again," Pluto said.

"This lady that used to work at the orphanage," I said. "Apparently she works there now, and she snuck us out."

"Where was she when I was down there?" Olivia snapped. "I could've used some help."

"Well, it wasn't the best breakout ever," Valerie said. "We got put in this tiny little cart with chloroform and other drugs in it."

"Did you breath it in?" Pluto asked.

Beatrix snorted. "Well yeah, no shit. I had... strange dreams. Or maybe they were hallucinations."

"Mine was more of a dream then a hallucination," I said. "It was really weird, though." 

"So overall, not a fun experience," Valerie said. "One star for the sleep, but I would not recommend."

"Also, how are we gonna explain this to your parents?" Olivia asked Pluto. "Like, when they get back they're gonna wonder where Evianna is."

"And how are you gonna explain to your parents that there's a bunch of kids living in one of their hotels?" I asked Valerie.

"I'll figure it out."

"I actually have no idea what we're gonna tell them," Pluto admitted. "Maybe that she's studying abroad? Forever?"

"You can't study abroad forever. Don't you have to be sixteen? And like, rich?"

"You can say that you guys had a falling out and she went back to live with her uncle," Valerie suggested.

"They know her uncle's a piece of shit, they'd never let that happen," Pluto said, shaking their head.

"Or you can just say that she died," Beatrix finished. "I mean, it's an excuse to never have to see her or talk about her again, and you'll get lots of sympathy."

"That's kinda fucked up," I told her. She just shrugged.

"We might get too much sympathy for that," Pluto said. "If our best friend died my parents would probably put us in therapy and I personally don't have time for that."

"Well, maybe we can convince her that she made a mistake, and get her back before it's too late!" Olivia said hopefully.

"Do you really want her back?" Beatrix asked. Olivia looked away, growing quiet.

"Way to kill the mood," Pluto said.

"What mood?" Beatrix asked.

"We're here," Valerie said loudly, ending the conversation before it got any farther.

I looked out of the window, squinting to try and see the hotel with how dark it was outside. As we walked out, stumbling around and trying to find the door, Valerie's face was illuminated by her phone screen.

"Uh oh," she murmured. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's my parents," she replied. "They got a call from my school, saying I haven't shown up in almost a week."

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