Chapter 8...

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The next morning, when my alarm went off, I jumped out of bed with new excitement. I just had a feeling today was going to be a good day and I just hoped it stayed that way.

While I got ready, I wondered what Brett had in mind for today. Knowing him, it was going to be something fun. With Brett, there never really was a dull moment. Back in high school he always took me out to do things, even if it was wake me up before the butt crack of dawn to watch the sunrise on a little cliff by our houses.

I knew I was crazy agreeing to this. Crazy to even be around the man who broke my heart all those years ago. Just like when I first met him in the library, there was something that drew me in about him; especially now, after all this time.

It was almost like I was relearning everything about him and for some reason that felt exhilarating. It felt like we were just meeting for the first time and going on our first date. Brett seemed like a different guy; he was more mature now. Even from a simple conversation I could tell his time in the Marines changed him. He was rougher around the edges than he once was.

No, I couldn't forgive him that easily for what he put me through. I'm not even sure if I could forgive him for it. All this time he didn't even bother to send me a letter explaining what happened between us. Even just a "hey, I met someone else," or "something changed" would have sufficed.

While all that still hurt, I wanted to forget about it for just a moment. I wanted things to go back to the way they were, even for just one day. A day where I could be with the guy I would never get over before reality sunk in.

The clock had struck eight when a loud knock came echoed from my front door. I quickly looked over in the mirror by my front door to make sure I looked okay. Dressed in a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a simple black t-shirt and a pair of black Converse, I figured I looked okay. My hair was once again left down in waves, and a plaid long sleeve shirt was tied around my waist in case it got cold later on.

Feeling butterflies in my stomach as I reached for the door handle, I took a deep breath. No use getting nervous around him. It's just Brett Perkins, no one special, I told myself. Of course, it did nothing to ease the butterflies.

When I opened the door, my breath hitched. Standing there with his hands in his pockets was Brett, looking very drool-worthy. Dressed in a pair of black fitted jeans, a dark grey t-shirt, and a black leather jacket, he looked yummy—really yummy. My hands itched to touch him and find out what was under that grey t-shirt but I restrained myself. I noticed a pair of dog tags hanging down the front of his shirt, another reminder that he wasn't the same guy from before.

"You look...great," he breathed out. I felt my cheeks heat up and I glanced at the ground.

"Thank you. You looked great too." I stumbled out. Why I was so nervous I have no clue.

"Ready to go?" Nodding, I reached back for my bag before locking the door behind me. I followed Brett down the steps until he came to a stop in front of a sleek motorcycle. He grabbed a helmet and held it out for me.

"A leather jacket and a motorcycle. Well aren't you a bad boy?" I commented. I took the helmet from him and glanced at the bike hesitantly. "You know how to drive this thing, right?"

"No, it just looks cool."

"What?" I looked at him wide-eyed.

"Kidding. Of course, I know how to drive it, Kayla." He swung his leg over the seat and grabbed the handlebars. Glancing over his shoulder at me, he raised an eyebrow. "You coming?"

Wetting my lips, I shot another glance at the bike and him before I slowly nodding. Placing the helmet on, I came to the side of the bike.

"Just swing your leg over and get behind me," Brett instructed. I followed his instructions and cautiously sat down in the little seat behind him. I placed my feet in the little holders and felt like I was going to fall over.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked over his shoulder.

"It is. Just make sure to hold on tight to me, okay?" Through the helmet his words were muffled, but I heard them. Even though he couldn't see me, I nodded. My hands moved slowly to his waist but I must not have moved them fast enough. Next thing I know he is grabbing my hands and bringing them around his waist, hooking my arms around him.

I gripped my own hand and tried hard to ignore the hard muscle under my hands. Asking if I was ready I responded by squeezing his middle. I held on tighter to him as he started the bike, the seat below me rumbling. Before I knew it, Brett started moving.

My eyes wouldn't close as we drove fast down the road. I knew my hair was flapping in the wind behind me and would most likely be a mess when we got off, but I didn't care. As he drove us down the street and away from my apartment I felt free, like some weight had been lifted off my chest. I leaned more into him and smiled as we rode.

It didn't take us long to reach our destination and soon Brett was pulling over and parking the motorcycle.

"You know you can let go of me now." Realizing I was still holding on, I quickly let go of him and sat back. Once he was off I tried to get off gracefully, but that didn't happen. My legs must have gone numb, for they wobbled and I started to go down. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and held me up.

Brett stared down at me as I righted my legs. I gave him a sheepish smile to which his own grin got wider. He let go of me and softly undid the buckle of the helmet. Feeling my face heat up, I stepped to the side as he locked the helmet to his bike and pocketed the key.

As he did that, I looked around. I recognized where we were.

"Why are we at the college campus?" I questioned. We weren't really on the campus but off near the back. I only ever came here once with my roommate and some friends and had forgotten what was really back here.

"We are canoeing," Brett stated. I remember briefly hearing about a pond the school sat by but never really put much thought about it. "Come on." When Brett grabbed my hand in his and tugged me after him, I pushed away all thought of what it could mean.

He led me down a small path for a few minutes before it branched out into a big clearing. It was like its own little place situated behind some trees. Canoes were lined up off to the sides, and a little shack was off in the corner where you could pay. And the pond was more than a pond.

Where we were right now was almost a lake with clear blue water and little green lily pads, but I could see the water branched off in different directions, leading to who knew where. Brett went over to pay while I stood there marveling about this place. How I never knew about this place or ever came to it I don't know. It was beautiful. Typical Brett, to find a place like this on such short notice.

"Ready to get on the water?" Brett asked, coming up to me.

"How did you find this place?" I gasped.

"A friend told me about it. Beautiful, huh?"

"Very." I was focused on the scenery, but I noticed Brett staring right at me as he spoke.

Wasting no time, we made our way to a bright red canoe and grabbed two paddles.

"Have you done this before?" I asked as Brett grabbed the end of the canoe and started dragging it to the water.

"No. But how hard can it be?" I shook my head, knowing this was going to be a disaster. I listened as he instructed me to sit in the front while he went to the back and started pushing it into the water.

Brett had no issue pushing me and the weight of the canoe into the water before he got in himself, gracefully I might add. I was always jealous of how graceful and good he was at everything. This was yet another thing he was good at.

With strength I was surprised at, he used his paddle to push us further into the water. 

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