Chapter 16: Ah, How Perfect

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Darcel and Lucius no longer exchanged any words, silently walking back to Alexis's room. Lucius cautiously knocked on the door, "Lex, are you asleep yet?", opening it when he heard no response. Alexis was in the middle of changing when they entered, hastening his movements. He avoided their eyes, quietly ushering them to change as well. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired." There was slight indifference in his tone, quickly shuffling away.

Lucius frowned at his words, casting a glance towards Darcel who also noticed his strange behaviour. "Lu, you go wash up. I'll help him." Lucius nodded, disappearing to the bathroom. Darcel grabbed Alexis's hand, pulling him towards the bed, laying down side by side.

He was about to sit up when Darcel gently pressed him down, "Darc, what are you trying to do?" Although he wasn't in the mood to deal with them, they were still his friends so the very least he could do was listen to them.

"Does your body still hurt?"

Alexis hummed in agreement. Darcel reached over to turn him onto his stomach, "Stop. Let's just talk okay?" Darcel paused, only reluctantly retrieving his hand when Alexis flashed him a small smile, "Just let me hold you."

Darcel laid Alexis's head on his arm, wrapping it around his shoulder. His head was in the perfect position for a loving kiss on the forehead. Alexis shuffled in discomfort, his body heat causing Alexis's face to flush. His mind drifted back to his father's words and the conversation he had with Violetta. Even if they were friends, why was he getting so flustered over this? It's just a hug, yes, just a hug... No! This isn't right, none of them had an engaged partner. Even worse, why is his heart beating so quickly, why are his hands slowly getting clammy, why was he even thinking about Darcel in such a way?!

Alexis's mind continued to spiral, ignorant of the gentle caresses and loving gaze Darcel was directing at him. "What's got you so flustered? Is it something we can talk about?" Darcel loosen his hair ribbon, letting his raven hair spread on the sheets, "Even if you can't say it now, we'll... No. I'll wait until you're ready."

Alexis snapped out of his daze, noticing something off with his mood. Subconsciously forgetting about his own worries, he reached out to timidly touch his cheek, "Darc... is there something wrong?" He gazed into his eyes that were usually filled with a fiery and strong light, which was now replaced with a look full of longing. But longing for what? Or perhaps someone? Alexis didn't know the emotion he currently felt but there was a dull ache in his chest, seeing Darcel so detached with a melancholic yearning in his eyes. Darcel closed his eyes, leaning into his hand and letting Alexis shyly trace the corner of his eyes, "Is there something I can do to help you?"

Darcel slowly fluttered his eyes open, peering into Alexis's gentle, concerned eyes. "No, nothing is wrong. Just stay here, in my arms where I know you won't disappear." He squeezed his eyes tight, firmly embracing Alexis in his arm. He wished that he would never leave and disappear. Darcel wished time would stop, to always let him bathe in his presence. "I love you so much Shin. I want to reverse time to stay with you forever." He mumbled into Alexis's shoulder, only God knew how much he was willing to sacrifice to save him.

Alexis felt like it wasn't the right time to bring up their engagement, allowing him to continue hugging. "Darc, I won't ask or say much but we'll get through it together, okay? Don't forget about me too. I want to protect you too. I'm not someone who always needs protection, I want to stand side by side with you and Lucius. And even if you think that I'm being selfish, I won't listen to you. I want to be a person you can lean on, a person who never leaves you no matter what."

"And to make that happen, you have to let me stay with you. I care about you and even if you think that as long as you can protect me, even if you get hurt, everything would be okay. But it wouldn't be because I don't want to see you hurt either. And if you think that I am overstepping my boundaries, it's just because I wouldn't know what to do if someone I loved was to suddenly disappear from my life."

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