Chapter 1

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'When are you reaching Naman!!! The rituals have already been completed. Guests are eating their dinner !!! Mom, Dad, Raghav... everyone's been asking for you!!! By when will you reach?' Siya Vanni asked me on the phone call.

'Sorry Vanni...there was a delay in flight and then you know Mangalore and it's growing traffic!!! I will reach there soon...Don't worry' I said softly. She has always been the sweetest sister in law. My brother Raghav is one lucky husband to have a woman like her as his life partner. And we are lucky to have someone like Vanni who is always so caring and kind.

'Ummm Naman...I just wanted to say again that if you are not don't need to!!! You know what I mean' she sounded hesitant yet caring. I smiled.

'I am fine Vanni and please...I do want to attend this. And please... Keshav is a childhood friend so please!!!' I said and Vanni simply added a 'Sure!!!' and disconnected the call.

Lowering the windshield glass of the car I looked outside and the fresh cool breeze with slight drizzling drops of first monsoon hits my face.

Amgele (Our) Kodial (Mangalore is also called Kodial in Konkani)

It still feels breathtakingly beautiful. I was back to Mangalore after 5 big years. All these years I had been getting phone calls from Siya Vanni, Raghav my brother, my parents to come back but then a few wounds prick and pinch you.

If this city has given me my childhood, my best of memories which I will forever cherish it has also given me unimaginable pain I couldn't bear...It changed me from the funny chap irresponsible boy Naman grow overnight into something I couldn't handle myself.
Yes Mangalore is beautiful and this air, this fragrance, these rains, these roads are the ones I have n number of memories with...

But then Dubai!!!
Well Dubai had given me something which made me the Naman Prabhu I am today. It made me successful, it made me grow both as a businessman as well as an individual!!! If Mangalore has given me memories Dubai gave me stability. When I was broken it accepted me with open arms.

But today I finally broke the barriers I built for myself 5 years ago and I'm here to visit something insane!!!

I may get mocked for this, there maybe many eyebrows raised for my presence, I may also be the pickle for many gossip magazines for next one month but I wanted to do this.

For??? Keshav!!!

Keshav my best friend.
Keshav who took care of me when I was shattered.
Keshav who believed in me and supported my decisions 5 years ago.

Ofcourse this would be a big hullabaloo but if this was 9 years younger Naman then I would dare not step in this city now but this one is NP!!! And NP doesn't care anymore! And one thing I learnt from my elder brother very well now is to show a middle finger to media and gossip magazines!!!

My fetish for business news doesn't stop me from binge reading business journals or newspapers but I am clear to skip a page 3. Coz now I DON'T give a FUCK!

The car stopped at the lavish wedding hall which was decorated with flowers, lanterns and candles.

So its a grand affair!!! Ain't it?
I smirked.

I stepped down from the car and buttoned up my blazer and took steps towards the wedding hall. Everyone in the crowd looked shocked seeing me. It's like they had seen a ghost.

I didn't care to take up any refreshments nor did I bother to greet any relatives anymore!!!

'Naman is so mannerless!!!'

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