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When I get home I hang my coat on the coat rack and put my shoe in the locker. "Mom! Dad!" I yell loudly through the house. "Kitchen!" I hear my mother call out. I walk towards the kitchen and see that my mother is cooking. My dad is setting the table. I walk over to my mom and look over her shoulder at what she is cooking. Pasta, yes!

My mom puts the pan on the table and we all sit down. "How was go-karting?" Asks my dad. "Fun! I actually need to talk to you about something, I need your opinion" I say.

My parents look at each other and then at me. "Okay, tell me" says my dad. "During karting there were 2 people standing along the track, they were already looking at me and pointing but I let it go. When we went down the track they came walking towards me. Grace and the boys had already left towards the restaurant" I tell them. My parents look questioningly, not knowing where this story is going.

"So they came up to me and introduced themselves, they asked how many times I had been karting and I said this was my first time. Then they started talking about how much talent I had for driving and that they saw that in me too" I say. "And then? What are you doubting about?" Asks my mother.

"They want to start training me so I can get better and they can eventually put me as the first woman in Formula 1 in a long time. They told me to come home and consult and gave me the card with their number. When we had made a choice we could call them and they were going to arrange a meeting with the leader of the karting track, the leader of formula 1 and them" I say.

"Wow that is quite a big step" says my father. "And dangerous" says my mother. "Mom please put your mom brain aside for a moment and think about what you would do if you were in my shoes" I sigh. My dad starts laughing.

"It's a good chance, but would you want it?" my dad asks. I nod. "It seems super fun, and we can at least try" I say. "And what about school? You still have 1.5 years left" my mom says. "I'm sure we'll find a solution for that" says my father. I laugh for a moment, that one has already been bribed.

"I think you should do it" says my dad. "Me too, people would downvote a murder this opportunity! And if you really have the talent as what they say then you should be fine" my mom says.

I stand up and give my parents a hug. I'm lucky to have parents like that.

"We just can't tell anyone, including Ellen, Lynn and Sophie" I say. "At least until we know more" I say. Ellen, Lynn and Sophie are my older sisters. Ellen and Lynn are currently with their boyfriends. And Sophie is moved out of the house, luckily she only lives 5 minutes away from here.

Ellen is 18, Lynn is 20 and Sophie is 24.

We clear the table and decide to do some research about Formula 1 downstairs.

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