27 📞 sarcasm with love

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

Bold with italic - Alex

☏ ⚊ ☏

"We need to stop hanging up on each other"

"Hey hey, you're the one who hang up on me yesterday"

"Yeah, well, shut up"

"Wow, thank you for apologizing about it!"

"You're welcome"

"So what were you going to say about me before?"

"I was going to say other than being a shameless flirt, you seem so super confident, so I was wondering why you were scared of public speaking?"

"I may seem outgoing, but I'm not. At least, not to most people. I'm choosing who I think is not toxic. I'm ambivert. I can be social but needs sometime too to spend for myself"

"Hmmn.. Interesting"

"Hey, don't judge me just because you're so good up in the stage. As for me, I experienced tripping on my way up and you know what happens?"

"Tell me"

"I fall face first and managed to show my undies for the whole school to see. I became popular from then on and up until now everyone won't let me forget about it"

"You became popular because of something humiliating in your school?"

"You don't have to be so sarcastic about it"

"There's no way to make it non-sarcastic"

"You're always sarcastic to me"

"Aww, it's just me being me"

"Aww, that's actually so sweet"

"That sounds sarcastic too"

"Anyways, I should probably go and practice my speech"


"Thank you"

"And, crazy girl?"


"Uh, I know you can do it anyway, but good luck.. You'll be great"

[ beeps ]

"Did he just sound so sweet for a moment there?"

"I'm sure you heard it wrong"

"Shut up, Alex!"

The Savage Charmer ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU [ #3 ]Where stories live. Discover now