Chapter 10

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(Tommy POV)

I was now sitting at the kitchen table. Next to Wilbur, right in front of Phill and crossed from Techno. I gulp as I'm scared for the next thing that could possibly happen.

I was fidgeting with my sleeve in order to calm down as I hear Phil say the next line. "Okay mate, you need to tell us everything that happened. We are responsible and worried for you. You'll have to tell us about the bruises and the scars, how unhealthily thin you looked, the scars that looked self-made and the running away." He said in a very serious tone.

I I shakingly nodded. They knew about my self harm scars?! Unhealthily thin?? He must be kidding right? Of course he is. They're all just making fun of me or just pitying me. I try to keep my calm as I am trying to come up with believable lies.

When I finally found reasonable lies I say. "Well, for the first question, i just got bullied in the past. For the self-harm scars. I don't know how why you think they look self-made because their not, I may look unhealthily thin but I'm healthy and about the running away part i got really stressed, and I'm really sorry for that sir."

They all looked really suspicious and confused at me for the last part. They looked like they didn't believe me for a second. But they looked like they'll shake it off for now. (SHAKE IT OFF SHAKE IT OFF💃) For now? They won't confront me about it later or something, right? I surely fucking hope not.

We sat in the living room again and decided to watch a movie again. It already has gotten late so we ordered hamburgers. FUCK YOU TECHNO WHY DID YOU SAY WE SHOULD GET BURGERS THAT'S WAY TO AMERICAN

However, I still looked at the burger in disgust. I really didn't want to eat it. I suddenly felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, I looked over and am met with the chocolate brow eyes of Wilbur. "Just finish half of it, please" He whispered into my ear. I slowly nod and look back at the burger in disgust. I take one bite of it and I love the taste of the burger.

But that feeling immediately flashes away as I feel like I'm about to throw up because of all the fat that's proceeding to come into my body. I needed to throw it all up.

I stand up to leave but then I felt my sleeve getting grabbed.
"No purging" he said but only loud enough for me to hear. This was absolute bullshit. I sit back on the sofa and look over to Phil and Techno, they where giving me confused glances that made me panic. I shot my head down to my legs and start digging my nails into my skin.

Then I suddenly felt one arm wrap around me as I'm getting pulled closer to their chest. I look up and I see it was Wilbur. What a suprise. (Totally not bring sarcastic here 💃💃)

I start to relax more and look back at the TV. Just enjoying the movie. That calm feeling gets taken away immediately as I remember the next thing.

We where meeting up with Tubbo tomorrow. We where going to his place for a day since he had other things to do after.

There was one problem I was gonna have tough. We would go to the beach and well, I think you know the problem..

I sit there worried trying to look for something that will help in my situation. Wilbur had seemed to notice because he then asked me what's up.

I told him that I was worried for the beach since, yeah the bruises and scars. I kinda cursed at myself for saying that since I'm just dragging him into my problems. Even tough he already knew about my wounds.

He said I didn't have to worry since he already bought a pair of long sleeved swim shirts and swim pants for me since he didn't know if I would be comfortable swimming in only swimshorts.

That definitely wasn't the biggest issue now but I was grateful he bought them.

But I couldn't pay him back. I didn't take enough money with me. Fuck. What am I gonna do now?

I can just tell him that I will pay him back the next time we meet up or If he drops me off home, and that I'll even pay double. Then I will hopefully only receive a small beating.

I felt calm again but still panicked a bit at the last thing I tought. I really didn't wanna get beaten by him. That would hurt worse.

Let's just hope things won't get to bad..

I stare at the TV and not soon after fell asleep. Today was exhausting and I needed to get so much sleep as possible while I can.

I woke up in the living room again, covered in blankets.

I see Phil, Techno and Wilbur laying on the couch with me, I left the room to go make myself ready for the meetup with Tubbo.

I take a shower and put my waterproof makeup on. I would never forgive myself if anyone else saw my scard and bruises.

I brush my teeth and hair. After I chucked some deodorant on and left the bathroom. I took everything I needed and saw the rest waiting in the car for me.

How the fuck are they so fast?!

I sit in at the left window seat of the car, Wibur on the right. Phil on the driving seat and Techno at the passenger seat because, hEs tHe oLdEsT. (I know Wilbur is the oldest of the three but it's my fanfic so bare with me pls)

After 20 minutes Phil stopped at a McDonald's drive thru. "What do y'all want?" He asked.

Everyone said what they wanted until it was my turn. "Uhm I dont wa-" "He'll get them small fries with 4 chicken nuggets." Wil interrupted me. Uh, rude.

I looked at him in annoyance and then back at Phil and Techno. They gave eachother that 'I know what's happening here' glance and gave the worker the orders.

I really hoped they tought something else was happening here because I wasn't planning for even more people to find out.

After we got our orders Wilbur whispered tom me that I had to eat everything.

I looked at him as my life was about to end. Everything, everything?! I didn't want to eat everything!

I took small bites and after what feels like years I finished the meal. With a small tear crossing my eye. I was only getting fatter and fatter by the minute now.

I suddenly feel two arms wrap around me and I flinched at it. I look at the tall burnette hugging me and he whispered the words "Good job Toms, I'm proud of you" into my ear.

Little tears dropped from my face. Not from sadness but from happiness.

I relaxed in his embrace. A while later we where listening to music.

We where almost at Tubbo's but then I couldn't believe who I saw. I saw-


Also thank you guys so much for 427 reads! I really appreciate it :)

-1230 Words

We need to get you away from him. (Tommy Angst) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now