.• Chapter Three.

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Stage Fighting — episode three

'Stage fighting today... "yay"!'
mood= nervous 😬


ANOTHER, hopefully, normal day. Milo was actually not tired for once due to Kristy not singing because she had a sore throat. Such a lovely sleep he got, just lovely. In no mean way possible, he hoped Kristy would have a sore throat forever. No offense, Kristy. He walked into school with a small smile, no yawning and no energy drink or coffee.

He walked in, but walking with him was Cleo, his cousin. She had been going to this school for a few months now, she had already started dating Beck. Cleo is kind of a tough person, closed off, barely liked anybody except family and Beck. "Hey, you look better!" His best friend came walking over, swinging an arm around his shoulders. Milo smiled before continuing to walk toward his locker. Cleo waved goodbye as she walked into her and Milo's class.

"Don't ignore me! You looked terrible before, now look at you, avoiding social interaction and... walking away from me." Ryan scoffed before running up to his taller friend. "I know you just wanna get through the day but, I have to ask... is your cousin single?"

"My cousin? Seriously? Which one?" Milo looked at his hopeful best friend. "Cleo has a boyfriend and so does Andrew." Ryan slouched with a small frown when he heard those words come out of Milo's mouth. "I should get to class, stage fighting today." Milo fake cheered before walking towards the auditorium. (Is that what it's called?)

A loud shriek entered Milo's ears as he watched Tori jump onto the man's back, the man who would be teaching. His eyes went wide as he watched, slowly wanting to back up and out of the room. What the hell was she doing? Everybody started to enter the room. Oh, jeez. "Who is this chick?!" The man screamed as Tori yelled and screamed on his back. People pulled her off as Jade came next to Milo, taking his hand and wrapping her other around his arm.

"What are you doing?"

"That guy was beating up Beck." Milo cringed as Tori pushed back her hair. Stage fighting. This'll be quite embarrassing in a minute. Cleo walked forward, wrapping her arms around Beck's arm.

"Oh, you poor thing." Jade said as she walked slightly in front of Tori.

"We were practicing." Beck told Tori as he stood there, the teacher pointed to the man who was pretending to beat up Beck. "This is Russ." The teacher told them.

"I'm Russ." Russ yelled.

"He's a professional stuntman. I invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting." The teacher told everybody, more specifically Tori. Jade looked up at Milo.

"And now, Tori says, 'What's stage fighting?'." Jade mocked Tori. She looked at her with a tilted head. Milo put his other hand in his pocket as he looked around the room.

"I wasn't gonna say that." Tori then looked at Andre. "What is it?"

Milo pulled his hand back out of his pocket, looking at Tori. "Fake fighting that looks real. People do it in plays and movies." Tori nodded looking at Milo. Jade elbowed him in the side. He muttered a quick sorry, placing a kiss on her head.

"I took a class with him last summer," Beck told Tori. Tori turned to look at him.

"Well, it looked like he was hurting you."

"That's the whole point..." Milo muttered.

"Why do you care?" Cleo spat looking at Tori. Tori glared at her. Milo furrowed her eyebrows at Tori.

"'Cause I figure, he already suffers enough pain dating you." Jade glared a Tori, letting go of Milo's arm. She liked Cleo like a sister, nobody is mean to Cleo.

"You wanna see pain?!" Milo placed an arm around her shoulders, leading her away. Jade continued to glare at the girl.

"Hey, that looks like a nice seat, why don't we go sit down over there?" Milo said as they started to walk over to the seats. They sat down at the front.

"Now, if I throw a punch at cat, like this..." Russ faced at and threw a punch which hit the air in front of her face instead of actually her. Cat gasped, squeezing her eyes shut before looking at him again. "It's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face."

"Thank you." Cat smiled.

"But if we stage it from a different angle..." He switched spots with Cat. "Like I showed you?" The redhead nodded. "Sound effect, ready?" Russ called back.

"All set." The teacher told him.

"To the audience or camera, It'll look like this." He swung his face and Cat gasped and moved her head to the side, holding it. She looked up and smiled with her hand out.

"I'm okay, everyone." Russ took her hand, holding it up that made everyone clap slowly. Milo glanced at his girlfriend who made a face.

"All right, I'm gonna pair you guys up, and each team will work with Russ this week to prepare a fight scene." The Teacher told the class as he stood at the front with Russ.

"I thought his name was Steve." Andre looked confused.

"He does look like a Steve." Tori agreed. Milo tilted his head while looking at the man before spotting it. The whole class erupted into chatter.

"My name is Russ!" Russ shouted.

"Okay, and on Friday, you will all perform your fight scenes here in front of the class. Now, the pairs will be: Cleo and Cat, Beck and Milo, Andre and Gwen, Darren and Jess, Tori and Jade.-"

"Tori and who?" Tori shot up with a shocked and scared look. Milo watched as his girlfriend turned to look at Tori with an evil look in her eyes. The bell rang causing everyone to stand.

"Come on, love." Milo muttered, taking Jade's hand, and helping her stand. The girl smiled at him slightly before dragging him over to Tori.

"Hey, Partner. I can't wait for our fight..." She went to walk away before looking at Tori again. "scene."


I'm back! (This chapter was written ages ago, I just forgot to publish it ! )

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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