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"She's a mess in perfect skin"


I pulled my wrist from his hold as we reached his room.

"Are you drunk? or Are you on drugs?", I asked stepping away from him.

"I don't do drugs but I drink and currently I am not drunk", he said closing the door.

"Then are you out of your mind? Why in the world will I sleep with you?"

"Then whom are you gonna sleep with? Rishabh?"

"Now, you are actually out of your mind. I am going to my room."

As I passed by him towards the door he blocked it.

"What the heck do you want?", I screamed.

He stood still looking directly at my eyes.

"I just want to know about you", he whispered.

"It's been months since we got married and I just realized today that I know nothing about you."

I looked at him. The look on his face was weird it was something I didn't expect him to make.

"Okay! What do you want to know?"

"Everything! Don't just stand let's sit", he pulled toward the bed, and now were sitting facing each other.

"My name is Diyanshi and I am majoring in the college you teach sir"

"I know those. Tell me something else like who's Rishabh?"

"You're still stuck on that topic."

"Didn't I tell you about my naked truth? like about Radhika. I just want to know about your naked truth"

"Naked truths aren't always pretty but since  you are forcing me to spit it out I'll tell."

He was looking at me as if I was going to tell him some interesting story. He looked cute.

"You know love had never appealed to me. It's always been more of a burden than anything. No one ever met my standards, I felt like I'm on an infinite search for holy grain until I met Rishabh. He was quirky, fun, and weird in all possible ways."

"So, you guys had a tragic breakup or your family married you to me so that you don't run away with him?"

"We never dated"


"I wasn't the one he loved even though I thought I was. He gave me false hopes and I just assumed that I was the one for him. The day I was gonna propose to him he proposed to Neha didi. You know how hurt I was that I started questioning myself thinking that I wasn't good enough for him.", I took a deep breath to control my tears from falling.

 "My family got to know the same day and to my surprise, they were very happy for them and I found that Rishabh was Neha didi's fiance since childhood, it was some two families getting united thing and the funniest thing is I had no idea about it."

"My mother knew that I liked Rishabh but she never said to me that he would never belong to me. That's when I realized that there wasn't a place for me from the beginning anyway", a tear fell from my eyes.

 "I didn't have any choice but to just walk away. Now, when I look back I just think that I should've been more honest about the stuff I like and hate. I should've cared more about what I wanted rather than what others wanted. I should have at least said to him that I liked him the moment I realized it instead of waiting for two whole years to just witness such heartbreaking things."

"We all need someone who listens to us but there was no one for me. Letting someone into your heart means that your heart can be easily broken by them. It also means you won't let go of them despite knowing that. Even Neha didi knew all along that I liked him, she was the person I used to trust the most."

"Now, I just don't believe anyone. I have been burned by someone who had my absolute trust, and it broke me, you know. Living is a difficult thing to do. Life is so tough. Ever since my fatigue started to overcome my pheromones I have not been able to let my heart flutter. Now, I was forced to marry out of the blue because Neha didi said that she likes someone else. That's it, that's my weird story", I said wiping off my tears.

When I looked at him he was just staring.

"Was it that  boring that you slept with your eyes---"

Before I could withdraw my mind, his arms were around me pulling me into a hug, I felt the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth. It felt good as if he was consoling me without the use of words. He kissed the side of my forehead.

I cried and cried and it felt great as if a pile of blocks has been removed from my heart finally.


Thank you for reading <3

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