The day Naruto became hokage.

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" Seems Orochimaru won the bet." Jiraiya sighs. Tsunade agreed with the old fool for the deal between students. The snake sannin managed to train his pupil to the point, she alone annihilated the other sannin disciple.

" Damn it, Teme escaped." Naruto shouts in frustration they were close yet the gap between them in the future power unable it. "Ero-sensei you said that we are going on a training trip, but teme grew way too strong."

" Shut up, gaki." Jiraiya comedically barks back.

" Naruto, why do you have the Kyuubi." The genin were shaken out from the appearance of the bijuu that ravaged through konoha which led to the death of many including the yondaime hokage.

" To cut it short, your friend here is the container of the kyuubi or what is known as jinchuriki. Think of his situation like a scroll and a kunai, Naruto as the scroll that keeps the kunai sealed away." Tsunade explains in a short summary. " The Kyuubi is imprisoned inside Naruto." The genin were shocked yet a few genin finally realized a couple of things.

" That why the older citizens of Konoha seem to have a vendetta against you specifically." Hinata said out loud getting embarrassed in the process, not used to speaking so loud.

" Jinchuriki?" Naruto was left confused, never hearing the term used before.

" That is what a jailer of one of the nine bijuu are called." Jiraiya gives Naruto an answer.

" There are more people like Naruto aren't there?" Shikamaru questions listening to Jiraiya respond on what a jinchuruki means. " Gaara is a jinchuriki then." Shikamaru concludes. the Nara remembers the ominous feeling that the boy spour out and the mention of another entity that he claimed was his " Kaa-san." during the chunin exams.

" That would explain a lot during my fight with Naruto in the exams. I saw another chakra signature radiant around him after shutting down his chakra point." Neji reminisces on his loss to the inspiring hokage.

" Naruto, let me guess the reason you haven't told any of us." Sakura got closer to Naruto whose expression saddened. His biggest secret just got revealed. " it's because you've believed we'll begin to hate you."

" Cheer up, Naruto. You may be annoying but you're still one of our buddies, right akamaru." Kiba confidently declares giving off a grin. Akamaru in the corner barks in excitement.

" Kiba rights, You're a valuable friend to have." Lee blurts out, Neji nods in agreement.

" Plus, your the reason why Kyuubi isn't rampaging the village by what the godaime hokage is saying." Choji goes closer to Naruto. Handing over one of his favorite snacks. Naruto was surprised and awed that none in the room grew resentment by his status. The blond tears up, the adults were stunned by the level of maturity this genin exhibits. " What compassionist genin we have!!" Gai happily cried alongside Naruto, Kakashi sweat drops.

" The story of the Kyuubi no yoko ( Nine tailed fox dead) it said it died alongside the yondaime." Ino wondered since there a few missing pieces left unchecked.

" The Kyuubi can't be killed. Well not permanently I supposed." Gai replied.

" WHY?" Naruto was intrigued and scared at the significant revelation that the monster basically living cost free inside of him can't be killed.

" Simple The kyuubi, unlike most creatures, is an entity composed entirely of chakra once it deceased. The chakra just reforms in another place instead. Like Jiraiya implied "There are more entities like the kyuubi known as the Bijuu." Kakashi explains

" That explains the reason why the yondaime hokage sealed it away. You mention the existence of other bijuu. If that's the case I presume the other village has a jinchuriki as well? How many bijuu are there?" Shikamaru thinks back on Gaara.

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