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You give Tae a light shake, waking her up from her sleep. After you help your friend sit up in her bed, you tell her that you're going to leave for a while to help Iwaizumi. Tae didn't take it lightly; she was hoping that you would finally forget about Iwaizumi for one night and take a break, but after seeing the worry on your face, she let you go on your own.

"Stay safe. Call me when you get to his place," Tae tells you before you leave her room. "And tell Iwaizumi to stop being so careless. If anything happens to you, just know that I'm coming after him first."

Once you spot Iwaizumi sitting on the front steps to Oikawa's house, you approach him carefully and wrap and arm around him, helping him walk towards his car. You haven't had the chance to practice your driving skills lately, but with Iwaizumi being under the influence, and only wanting your help, you decide to take the risk anyway.

You toss him into the passenger's seat, and you buckle him in when you see that he was too weak to do it himself. "Fuck, my stomach hurts so bad," Iwaizumi mutters as he hunches over in his seat with a scowl on his face.

"Do you need a bag?" You bend down, meeting him at eye level. His face was red, and sweat started to bead on his forehead. He takes deep breaths, the smell of whiskey hitting your face. When he shakes his head, you close his door and walk over to the driver's seat.

You take your time on the road. Luckily, you were driving at night so the streets were nearly empty. Iwaizumi sways in his seat, raspy groans leaving him as he endures the pain. You wanted to drive fast so he could finally be home, but staying at a slow speed meant that Iwaizumi wouldn't experience motion sickness.

During the entire ride, you listen to Iwaizumi groaning in pain. You open his window to let in some fresh air, and he silently thanks you before sticking his head out, letting the cool breeze calm his nerves.

You pull into the parking garage, and when you thought driving was going to be the hardest task of the night, it was bringing Iwaizumi out of his car and into the building. You basically carry half of his body weight, and as you wait in the elevator going up to his unit, Iwaizumi bends over and slumps against the wall.

"We're almost there," You help him stand up straight. "Just keep doing deep breaths." You rub his back, comforting him as he starts taking slow breaths. His posture starts to stabilize, though his vision is still hazy and there's a faint ringing in his ears due to the loud music from Oikawa's party.

When you arrive on his floor, you help him to the end of the hall towards his unit. You open the door and walk past Runa who was waiting at the entrance.

"Hey Runa," You say quickly, her big eyes watching you walk past and towards the living room. You help Iwaizumi onto the couch before bending down to take his shoes off. "Do you need me to get anything?"

"Maybe a glass of water?" Iwaizumi mumbles tiredly. "And open the balcony door. The cold air helps."

He starts unbuttoning his sweaty shirt when you leave to grab a glass from the kitchen. Runa walks next to the couch where Iwaizumi was seated, watching him in confusion as his leg starts to bounce rapidly.

You return to the living room and hand Iwaizumi a glass of cold water. He presses it to his cheek before taking a small sip. "Thank you. I already feel slightly better." Once he tastes the water, he chugs the entire glass before placing it on the table.

𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 • iwaizumi x reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now