Well That's Annoying

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The ghosts formed ranks and encircled the crossroads. There were about a hundred in all- not an entire legion, but more than a cohort. Some carried tattered lightning bolt banners of the Twelfth Legion. Most were armed with Imperial gold weapons- more Imperial gold than I had seen, even at the war games, which now that I think about it is pretty much the only time I've seen a large collection of Imperial gold weapons.

"Thanatos!" Hazel turned to the robed figure. "We're here to rescue you. If you control these shades, tell them-"

Her voice faltered. The god's hood fell away, and his robes dropped off as he spread his wings, leaving him in only a sleeveless black tunic belted at the waist. He was beautiful. Not handsome, or hot, beautiful, eternal, symbolic, remote.

"Oh" Hazel said in a small voice.

The god's wrists were shackled in icy manacles, with chairs that ran straight into the glacier floor. His feet were bare, shackled around the ankles and also chained.

"It's Cupid" Frank said.

"A really buff Cupid" Percy agreed.

"I'm too tired for this shit" I sighed, sitting down on the ice, earning a curious gaze from the god before he turned his attention back to my companions.

"You compliment me" Thanatos said. "I am frequently mistaken for the god of love. Death has more in common with Love than you might imagine. But I am Death. I assure you"

"Good, because we're running out of time" I snapped.

"We're- we're here to save you" Hazel managed. "Where's Alcyoneus?"

"Save me...?" Thanatos narrowed his eyes. "Do you understand what you are saying Hazel Levesque? Do you understand what that will mean?"

Percy stepped forward. "We're wasting time"

He swung his sword at the god's chains. Celestial bronze rang against the ice, but Riptide stuck to the chain like glue. Frost began creeping up the blade. Percy pulled frantically. I tried to rush to his side, but when I looked down, the same frost was creeping up my arms, pulling me down against the glacier. I should have felt panicked, but I didn't. That is, until I heard her voice.

"You should have listened to Luke. You know he was right" Gaea's voice whispered in my mind.

"No" I growled. "You're wrong, he knew he was wrong too, and I won't let you or anyone else hurt the people I love" I shifted my feet under me and started pulling against the ice.

"That won't work" Thanatos said simply, "for either of us, you are a prisoner as much as I am now. As for the giant, he is close. These shades are not mine. They are his"

Thanatos's eyes scanned the ghost soldiers. They shifted uncomfortably, as if an arctic wind was rattling through their ranks.

"I am no one's prisoner, especially not dirt face" I snarled, tugging against the ice, but this time willing it to move, I mean ice is just solid water, I should be able to control it.

"So how do we get you out?" Hazel demanded.

Thanatos turned his attention back to her. "Daughter of Pluto, child of my master, you of all people should not wish me released"

"Don't you think I know that?" Hazel said. "Listen Death" she drew her cavalry sword and Arion reared in defiance. "I didn't come back from the Underworld and travel thousands of miles to be told that I'm stupid for setting you free. If you die, I die. I'll fight this whole army if I have to. Just tell us how to break your chains"

Thanatos studied her for a heartbeat. "Interesting. You do understand that these shades were once demigods like you. They fought for Rome. They died without completing their heroic quests. Like you, they were sent to Asphodel. Now Gaea has promised them a second life if they fight for her today. Of course, if you release me and defeat them, they will have to return to the Underworld where they belong. For treason against the gods, they will face eternal punishment. They are not so different from you Hazel Levesque. Are you sure you want to release me and damn these souls forever?"

Frank clenched his fists. "That's not fair! Do you want to be freed or not?"

"Fair..." Death mused. "You'd be amazed how often I hear that word, Frank Zhang, and how meaningless it is. Is it fair that your life will burn so short and bright? Was it fair when I guided your mother to the Underworld?"

Frank staggered like he'd been punched.

"No" Death said sadly. "Not fair. And yet it was her time. There is no fairness in Death. If you free me, I will do my duty. But of course, these shades will try to stop you"

"Nothing is ever fair with the gods involved" I scoffed. "Who even made these stupid rules! I am sick and tired of the 'sorry's, and the 'it was her time's and all of this bullshit! I am sick and fucking tired of it all!" My voice raised more and more until I was practically screaming. The glacier started to shake with my anger and the ice around my arms shattered. I tried to focus my anger into making the chains around Thanatos break, but all they did was shake for a moment before going still.

I screamed in frustration before I began to pace back and forth. Percy cast me a worried glance, clearly trying to convey that if we survived, we would have a long conversation about that where I would have to confront my feelings and all that.

"So if we let you go" my brother summed up, "we get mobbed by a bunch of black vapor dudes with gold swords. Fine. How do we break those chains?"

Thanatos smiled. "Only the fire of life can melt the chains of death"

"That better be a riddle or I swear-" I bit my lip before I said anything I regretted, which was probably a first but that's not the point here, at least I'm learning, maybe.

Frank drew a shaky breath. "It isn't a riddle"

"Frank, no" Hazel said weakly. "There's got to be another way."

Laughter boomed across the glacier. A rumbling voice said: "My friends. I've waited so long!"

Standing at the gates of the camp was a giant even larger than Polybotes. He had metallic golden skin, armor made from platinum links, and an iron staff the size of a totem pole. His rust-red dragon legs pounded against the ice as he entered the camp. Precious stones glinted in his red braided hair.

The giant approached, grinning at Hazel with his silver teeth. "Ah, Hazel Levesque, you cost me dearly! If not for you, I would have risen decades ago, and this world would already be Gaea's. But no matter!"

He spread his hands, showing off the ranks of ghostly soldiers. "Welcome Percy Jackson! Welcome Frank Zhang! I am Alcyoneus, the bane of Pluto, the new master of Death. Lani Jackson, it is time for you to embrace the truth about the gods, and this will be your legion to command"

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