34. New Year, New Life

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 Life on Genosha is complicated. After gratefully rejecting Persephone and Artemis' offer to help her, Ria moved to the protected island a few weeks after Erik had. Though the government is able to visit at any time without proper warning, many mutants have arrived seeking sanctuary.

Ria's hands have been full with taking care of the scarred mutants while Erik desperately tries to act as a calm liaison to the outside world. She saw him struggling most days, but her time was better spent making sure they all have enough food and ensuring laundry is done routinely. It took many months before their small society began working together as one.

New mutants arrive every day, but Ria is no longer alone in welcoming them. Others take pride in showing newbies around and explaining how they rely on each other when they need. It warms Ria's heart to see such camaraderie. It reminds her of her home.

Every day, she works on their small field in the center of their homes. She has small vegetable and fruit gardens closer to the houses, but these plots hold grains and wheat. Even outside of harvest season, it grows happily. Ria whispers her thanks to Persephone each morning before she takes what is needed to feed their people.

Despite the limited resources, her house is just beside Erik's with only a small vegetable garden between them. She often walks over and they share a meal together. At first, it was a small lunch during their busy days, but more recently, she has brought over fresh bread while he has dinner waiting on the table. He even leaves his door open now when he is expecting her. One night, she was running late, and he came to retrieve her.

Each night after their dinner, they return to their respective homes, but Ria spends her time conjuring her crystal. Her blood burns every time, but the pain has dulled with practice. She tried small things at first: just a plate or a stone. Now, she can make molded items, but she is nowhere close to creating shields again.

The crystal on her chest feels like ice after, and she practically passes out from exhaustion. Then, she wakes with the sun and gets to work all over again.

Life is finally peaceful, yet Ria still keeps an eye on the woods during the day, and she catches Erik losing focus every now and then. Neither mentions it.

Neither mention the nightmares they can hear from their homes either. Nor does anyone else.

As the seasons change, Ria makes sure to keep up with the times. She makes regular trips off the island to get what she believes are fashionable clothes (approved by Raven, of course) as gifts for respective holidays or birthdays. For the fall, she invited mutant religious leaders for anyone who may have wanted to celebrate.

Erik had thanked her later in the night, even going so far as to kiss her cheek before the two broke his fast together.

The two of them received an invitation around the time of the Winter Solstice to a New Years party at the Xavier mansion. Through much discussion, they both decided to go.

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