𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 #𝟒

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𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗲 🦋 >

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𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗲 🦋 >

𝘁𝘂𝗲 𝟮𝟮 𝗺𝗮𝗿, 𝟰:𝟯𝟱 𝗽𝗺

today's been hard, scottie.

i feel so out of place lately and
all i want to do is talk to you.

i'm surprised none of my texts
are being returned as unsent yet...
i think that's the only thing that's
keeping me smiling at the moment.

mum's starting to worry about me,
i mean really worry about me. i don't
mean to worry her, she just doesn't

i haven't told her about our texts—
or rather, my texts—she'd think i'd
be doing myself more harm than
good trying to talk to you. she won't
understand that just the smallest fact
of my texts being delivered gives me
hope. you're giving me hope.

it's like you still care about me the way
that i care about you. it's like i'll come
home after saudi this weekend and
you'll be there, at your spot on the sofa
with that ethereal smile of yours just
waiting to hear all about my weekend.

i know i'll never have you like that
again but i can't let go of that feeling
that one day, somewhere in the future,
i'll get that back. get you back.

do you remember when i first asked
you out? god, i was so nervous. it
always made me wonder how i'd even
convinced you to say yes.

jan 1st, 2015. 12:01 am.

right after the fireworks filled the tv
screen, after all of our friends had
crowded together to kiss each other's
cheeks and wish each other well in
the new year, and after i'd tugged you
to the back of the group and kissed
you the way i'd been wanting to kiss
you for two years before that.

i was so lame, i don't know what you
saw in me... but whatever it was, i'm
glad it let me keep you for 6 years.

i just wish it let me keep you for longer.

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