Chapter 15

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟲 - 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 (I can never find suitable gifs 😭)

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟲 - 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱
(I can never find suitable gifs 😭)

Lyra sprinted down the stairs, keeping the antidote firmly in her grasp. As she skipped jumped down every second step, she managed to knock her foot on one, which would have sent her falling down the stairs if she didn't catch herself last minute. Lyra was dripping with sweat. She could feel the blood in her veins rushing through her body and her throat tighten as she coughed severely to the smoke around. Lyra stumbled out of the building, heart-thumping, as she tried to find anything that would help her.

Alas, she didn't have to look long, before she caught sights of red and blue lights flashing around her and sirens that pitched her ears to their limit. Lyra look around, still weary from the energy she was losing.

"Lyra?" A voice spoke from the distance, cutting her attention. "Lyra!"

The girl turned her head instantly in the direction of the familiar voice, catching the sight of Captain Stacy, a man she grew up knowing. Seeing as the man was Gwen's father, he seemed to have gained protectiveness for Lyra after all those years.

"Captain Stacy!" Lyra yelled with all the energy she had left. "George!"

Captain Stacy caught onto the girl as she kneels buckled and almost lost stableness. The man looked at the girls bloodied up face and warned out the body in concern. "What happened, Lyra!"

Ignoring the sudden urge to collapse in the Captains arms, she relentlessly tried to shake out of his hold. "You have to get this to Spider-man, right now, George!"

"You need to get to the hospital, Lyra. You're not even stable on your own feet!" Protested the captain.

"No, no, no, no, you don't understand!" Lyra shook her head insanely fast, increasing the light headache she felt. "This has to stop the Lizard."

"Get in the car now, Lyra!" He pushed her towards the opened car door.

"Stop! Please!" Lyra turned to him with a pained expression. "You need to trust me on this one, Captain Stacy!"

"I know everything, Lyra!" The man said, keeping his gaze locked firmly against hers. "I know your boyfriend is the man behind the mask and I get it. I trust you, okay? Now give me this and get in the car." He exclaimed as he nicked the antidote out of the girl's hands.

"But I need to know if he's okay, Captain!" Lyra urged him as she fell more into the car, feeling her legs weaken against her.

"I'm going to make sure he's okay, I promise." Captain Stacy said firmly as he ushered over two other offices to help the girl. "She needs to get to the hospital, ASAP."

"Will do, Captain!" One of the officers nodded.

"Wait!" Lyra stopped him. "Please make sure Alex's safe as well, he does so much for the family and I can't afford to lose him as well, sir."

"I'll protect him with everything I have, Lyra." Captain Stacy nodded looking back at the two officers. "Get going!"

Lyra finally gave up as she let them usher her into the car, closing the door firmly. She managed to keep her eyes open, barely though and things were starting to get fuzzy. But Lyra was never one to give up, and she will never be one.

The traffic was rough and everyone was either screaming or intensely beeping the horn. The officers and Lyra were currently stuck in the middle of the street, about halfway to the hospital, yet they still had a good view of the Oscorp building. She couldn't take it anymore, Lyra couldn't do it.

Plucking up all the courage Lyra had left in her, she pushed herself up from her seat and quickly opened the door to the car. The officers looked back at her quizzically and watched as she hopped out and onto the street.

Lyra leaned back into the opened window. "No telling Captain Stacy about this, got it? Snitches get stitches." And without leaving them any time to answer, she took off. Running onto the pathway and down the streets back to Oscorp.

As Lyra made it to the building she heard gunshots and screams corrupt from the balcony, sending harsh warps towards her. She caught the sight of the green Lizard running after Peter and her anxiety increased. She felt like screaming for him, begging him to return safely on the ground, back into her safe arms. But she couldn't, she knew she couldn't.

What confused Lyra deeply was that she couldn't even see Captain Stacy. He said he was going to protect Peter and- Oh and her brother.

Lyra spun her head furiously in different directions, ignoring the loud "Detonation in T-minus 45 seconds" that rang from above the building.

She examined every police officer, looking for the familiar face of her older brother, the one thing she cared about most. Lyra instantly cursed herself for all those selfish moments she had taken for granted in the past as tears sprang her eyes in fear.

"T-minus 20 seconds"

The words rang through her head and it suddenly felt like the world was closing in on her. She watched as Peter swung around the tip of the building and tried to avoid the green lizard.

More tears sprang from her eyes.

She listened as gunshots corrupt from different directions, all leading into one big collision in the middle.

And even more tears.

As the words "Detonation activated" erupted from the machine, everything suddenly stopped. In her eyes, everything became slow motion. She couldn't process anything. Her head felt dizzy, her ears ached, her back wanted to snap in half and most importantly, she wanted to get rid of the pain that came as she heard a loud shout of pain.

The tears were flooding now.

Lyra knew that shout. It was the same shout she heard when Alex had fallen off his skateboard that day. It was the same shout that ached her heart when Alex fell out of that tree a while back. And it will be the same shout that haunts her dreams for years to come.

But she couldn't help him. No matter how much she tried, her body just wouldn't move, wouldn't scream, wouldn't interact. The same body that had done her justice the entire day was bailing on her. It was her only chance and she failed. She failed herself. She failed her mother. She failed Peter. And most importantly,

She failed Alex.



I improvised this as I was writing and I did not expect that.
I'm like, shocking myself as well, don't worry.

Wrote this at 3 am 🥲

Enjoy though lmao.

- BlueLouMoonlight

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