Chapter 38

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For the second time in the week, I ended up in the infirmary.

When I woke up, I had a pounding headache, and my upper body was tightly wrapped with bandages. 

But considering my heart had gotten punctured, it wasn't that bad.

But since it got punctured, I just laid there and grunted in annoyance.

As though I was being watched, Rosaline immediately came a few minutes later. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked, there was a tinge of worry in her voice.

"Not dead," I groaned. I licked my dry lips and tried to get some moisture back into my mouth. "How long?"

"A month."

"A month?! Did Void attack yet. Oh no . . . she did, didn't she—"

"Calm down, Percy," Rosaline interrupted. "Nothing happened yet."

"Yet?" I echoed. 

"Nothing for you to worry about," she corrected.

"Nothing for me to worry about?" I echoed again, getting worried. I started struggling, trying to get up.

"Perseus Jackson," Rosaline warned. "If you try to get up, I swear I will knock you into another coma."

I poked at my bandages, as though they were the carcass of a dead animal. "Why do I feel like this is meant to be more of a straightjacket than a healing instrument?" 

"We had a feeling you would try to get up," Rosaline said matter-of-factly. "And if you still try to, no fighting for a week!"

I crossed my arms and pouted like a little kid. "You're not my mom."

"I could call her here if you would like." When I didn't say anything, she said, "I thought so."

"Whatever," I muttered, refraining to say some unsavory things about Rosalines in the world. Then I thought to add, "Please don't call her."

"Is the legendary Perseus Jackson scared by his mom?" Rosaline teased, but there was an underlying tone of respect in her voice as if she approved.

"If you say it any louder, Chaos will hear you."

"Hear what?" a voice asked. An extremely bemused Chaos appeared next to Rosaline.

"That even though you're the Creator of the Universe, you're clueless," I said, desperately trying to change the subject. If Chaos caught wind of what we were saying, I would be done for life.

"I am not clueless—" Chaos caught himself and cleared his throat. "That's not why I'm here. Knowing that you're probably wondering what happened, here's the report. Eon and the other three Generals—as well as Void's mole—have been jailed until the war is over. Next time, please refrain from killing an important strategist that we could have also captured . . ."

"They were about to kill me!" I argued. "I saved some of your soldiers and the validity of your reputation of a good ruler! What more do you wish for?"

" . . . A small portion of Void's army attacked," Chaos continued, ignoring me, obviously wishing for more, "but we beat them back. Now, if you don't obey Rosaline's commands to rest, I will throw you into the jail cell of Eon."

"You're a big meanie," I said simply.

Chaos shrugged. "I've been called worse. Oh, and Perseus. Thank you."

"How about we call it even if you help me—"

Chaos disappeared before I could finish my sentence.

I heaved a disappointed sigh. "Oh, well." I looked at an amused Rosaline. "I suppose you won't help me?"

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