Reviewers Wanted

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I'm looking for fellow writers and reviewers that will give honest, hard-hitting feedback. No pulling punches. Good, bad, or ugly—call it like you see it. My goal is to craft a compelling, must-read story. I need your help.

What will you get out of it? I'll return the favor. I'll review yours if you review mine. It's that simple.

But let me be clear from the get-go. I give critical feedback and expect the same. If you don't have a thick skin or are just out to boost reads or make friends, don't sign up for this. I'm serious. You won't like what I have to say about your writing.

Why do writers need critical feedback anyway?

· "The dice cannot read their own spots." –Frank Herbert

· Look how chefs sample each other's food in the kitchen. "Too salty. Needs more seasoning. Undercooked. Rubbery. Bland."

· How did AlphaGo, the world champion AI, get so good at playing Go? It practiced against a worthy adversary.

· To sharpen an ax, you have to grind it. –Common wisdom

Here is what I expect from a review (and will give in return):

· Review one normal-sized chapter (<2000 words) within a week

· 5-10 inline comments is a good target to aim for

· A summary review of at least 3 sentences (but can be much longer)

Please do not do the following:

· Do not vote. This is not a vote-swapping service.

· Do not flatter or sugarcoat.

· Do not insult or denigrate. Being frank doesn't mean you have to be rude.

· Do not take negative feedback personally.

If I drum up enough interest, maybe I'll start up a proper review club. But in the meantime, I'm hoping to get feedback on a new book I'm working on—and in the process help other writers on their creative journey.

If you are interested in participating, comment here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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