Through His Eyes [8]

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{{Dedicated to @_Donald__Duck_ because she is an amazing person and her love for Caleb makes me smile}}




It was Friday morning, which meant there was less than ten hours left for the party.  Even though she'd spent quite a lot of time with Floyd since she'd invited him to it, Rhea still couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of getting to spend time with him somewhere that wasn't the school. 

The annual back to school party took place at the beach, which was a plus because there were no houses nearby.  That meant no complaining neighbors, and therefore no cops breaking the party up as everyone was barely starting to have fun.

Also, there would be a beautiful bonfire and some people would even sit around it and make s'mores.  S'mores made everything better, right?

All in all, the party wasn't that bad, yet neither Rhea nor Willa had been to one since freshman year.  Why?  Simply because they both went through a phase during sophomore year where they both despised everything that was enjoyed by the majority of people, and it included high school parties, prom and Billboard's Top 100 Hits.  They did grow out of it at some point and learned to shake it to Nicki Minaj's Superbass, but for some reason or another, they never picked partying back up.

So this party was a big deal besides the whole thing with Floyd, and Rhea's anticipation grew by the minute.

However, she still had to get through today's classes and right now she was sitting next to Caleb for the third Chemistry lesson of the week.  And she'd gotten the window seat, finally.  Caleb had arrived not two minutes after she'd set her stuff down, looking exhausted with dark circles under his eyes.  She'd smugly looked up at him and said, "I am Rhea of House Targaryen and I have claimed what's rightfully mine."

"Calm down there, khaleesi," he'd chuckled lightly, "If you wanted the window seat, all you had to do was ask for it."

"A queen doesn't ask," Rhea had responded, jutting her chin out defiantly, "She commands."

Now, they were sitting side by side, scribbling down notes about organic chemistry as Mr. Martin spoke without even taking a pause to breathe.  Seriously, that guy had an impressive set of lungs.

When he finally took a break from trying to speak their heads off to pass out some handouts, she turned to Caleb, poking him in the ribs with the back of the pen she had in her hand.  He looked up at her with a sharp motion of his head, rubbing at the spot she'd jabbed at.

"I am on the verge of reconsidering this being friends thing," he said, his eyes glimmering with amusement.

Rhea mock-gasped at his words and said, "You wouldn't."

"Well, yeah, I wouldn't," he said, and after waiting for dramatic effect he added, "If you'd stop assaulting me."

"Yeah, whatever," Rhea said, grinning at him, "Are you coming to the party tonight?"

"Nah," he said, shaking his head once.

"Why," Rhea poked at his ribs once again, "Because you are above such teenage silliness?"

"No," he chuckled, shoving her pen away with his own, "Because I have a prior engagement."

"Oh," Rhea said, feeling a surge of disappointment course through her.  She was enjoying being Caleb's friend.  Underneath the initial cocky, asshole-y side of him there was actually a decent person with a sense of humor matching Rhea's and that was pretty much everything she needed to find a friend in someone.

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