Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it (namely, the characters) except for the main character of this story (yourself), side characters that are related to yourself (family and friends) and the plot. 

This story is set after the time skip. The first few chapters will be about your backstory, Law will make his entrance later on ;-;

This is my first time writing a short story, a fan fiction at that, so my apologies if there are parts that make absolute no sense, if not the whole story...

Editing also takes pleasure in being my enemy, I hate it, and it hates me :)). Helpful tips are always welcomed!

Another disclaimer: I do not follow any schedule so please don't expect regular uploads, I'll try my best but no guarantees. 

You also have a rather dark backstory: touching on sensitive subjects such as abuse, human trafficking, trauma, blood and deaths. If you are uncomfortable with these topics, please don't continue reading. 

I haven't really planned the story out so I'm uncertain with what else might be brought up. I'll put a disclaimer at the start of the chapters to warn. 

Without further ado, let's start the story... Enjoy :)

In a certain house, 13 years ago.

A streak of light spills onto my bedsheets from the crack in the door. The silence is louder than the night. I sit up and slide out of my bed, causing the old frames to creak in agony, cutting through the emptiness like a razor. 

An eerie loneliness replaced the usual bustling house, sending shivers down my spine. 

I reach for the door, my small fingers grazing the handle just as the lights start to flicker. I jerk away from the door, stifling a scream. Sweat forms on my forehead, neck and back, trickling down like a tiny waterfall. 

Something is amiss. 

Anxiety creeps up the back of my mind like a panther hunting prey. I quickly open the door and step into the darkness.

"Mum?" My voice echoes through the black void before me but, there is no reply. Worry clambers up my throat.

"Dad?" The room suddenly seems smaller, the air suddenly thicker, and the cold suddenly sharper.

"Mum! Dad!" I croak. My hands start shaking, the sound of my heartbeat louder than the wind that rips at the windows.

"Where are you?" Tears prick my eyes, sobs forming in my throat. I run from room to room in the dark, trying to find signs of my family.

My legs burn with each step I take. My feet become raw from the cold of the floorboards. I keep running and running and running. They had disappeared. Not a single trace of them remained.

Not even the family photos that once decorated the walls. 

Not even the green plants mum loved to grow in the kitchen. 

Not even the lingering aroma of dad's coffee in the study. 

Not even the messy room of my older brother that mum shook her head at. 

Nothing is in this house.

I slump onto the floor. I was left behind. What do I do? 

I listen to the lonely howling of the wind and the rustling leaves of the forest encompassing the house. Tears flow down my cheeks like a stream down a mountain. 

Minutes turn into hours. Thoughts swim through my head like fish in a pond. Something must have happened to make them leave me alone. The night is still lingering; only the moonlight lit my surroundings.

The front door abruptly swings open, a figure in a white suit and white mask steps inside. I stand up in shock and stumble backwards. 

Black-gloved hands gripping the hilt of a gun. Panic rises in my chest, and I struggle to breathe.

"W-Who are you?" The figure tilts its head to an impossible angle and slowly raises the tip of the gun.

"Do not worry little y/n. You are in safe hands." My eyes widen as the needle pierces my skin, the pale liquid seeping into my body. 

My head starts spinning; a sudden exhaustion washes over me. 

The last thing I see is the haunting blank mask of the figure before darkness takes over my senses.

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