Chapter 10

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A/N: Hiyaa everyone!! This chapter is ready early than I scheduled (cuz i could NOT be stuffed studyingg) I'm rather happy with this chapter!! Hope you all like it! Drop a comment and a vote ^^ I really appreciate your support, thank you for reading all the way to chapter 10!!

S/N: In case I forgot to mention (which is very likely), YOU are wearing LAW'S hoodie!! anywaysss, enjoy!! :))

The sudden gust of wind tears at my body, it rips at my soul as if chasing away the darkness that remains in my heart. 

I stand, speechless, afraid to venture into the open air. The sunlight shines down on the glistening deck, stopping just before it reaches my toes. 

Particles of dust dance joyously in the light, tempting me to indulge myself in the sweet summer warmth. The smell of salt fills my nostrils and my lunges gulp in the fresh air. My body feels like a feather, like the soft cumulous clouds that decorate the precious blue sky. 

The sound of steady lapping waves and the occasional squawk of a sea bird is like music to my ears. Law taps me on the shoulder and I look up at him. He gives me a gentle push and jerks his head towards the door, urging me to go explore the world I miss so much. 

The rest of the crew gather at the stairs behind me, pushing and shoving to get a better view. I take a deep breath and reach for the sunlight. 

My fingers catch the light, causing me to flinch. 

An electric feeling shoots through my fingers and into my body; the warmth seeps into my body like a river down a mountain. 

My feet slowly begin to move. 

I watch the sunlight inch its way up my arms until it engulfs my whole body. I spread my arms, soaking in the sunlight and drinking up the warmth. 

The sweet scent of the wind, the sea, and the sun, tickles my nose, washing out the pain deep within me. 

Law's hoodie flaps in the breeze, hugging my body like a blanket around a newborn baby. I suck in the air, the taste of freedom on my tongue. 

It is beautiful. 


No one deserves to have their world taken away from them, the white mask figures are committing a sinful crime. I grasp hold of the ship's railing and stare out into the horizon where the crystal blue sea meets the baby blue sky. 

Soon, I will find my way back to those people within the white walls and free them. Law leans against the railing beside me, gazing down into the deep blue sea. 

"Y/n, how do you like it?" I release the metal bar and spread out my arms, twirling in the breeze.
"This place is like a dream, thank you for showing me." Law smiles but then looks up at me.
"There are more people like you back there, aren't there?" I lower my arms, the cold breeze catching in my throat.

"I think so," I start, "I have never seen them before. But there were so many rooms with doors the same as mine, I know they're there. I want them to live again." A moment of silence passes as we both watch the waves roll past the ship.

"This crew will be supporting you, y/n. We'll go when you're ready." I don't say anything. Instead, I feel tears fall down my cheeks and I watch them trickle into the bottomless sea.
"Thank you," I whisper, "thank you..."

I lie on Law's bed, several of his medical books splayed out on the mattress. The texture of paper, the smell of old books, the printed black letters, they are all so foreign to me. 

I roll onto my back and reach for the ceiling, picturing the clear sky and the warmth of the sun I was under a few hours ago. 

The penguin hat man, his name is also Penguin, and the orca hat man, Shachi, had explained that weather in the New World was almost unpredictable and that we were lucky to have been able to be in such peaceful weather for so long. 

Unfortunately, the ship won't be surfacing again until Law decides to stop at an island. Law is in his study, according to Bepo, and had some business that he needs to attend to. I place all the books back onto the shelf and head for the door. 

A spotted fur hat catches my attention. Law was almost always wearing the hat, maybe it was something special to him. He might be feeling lonely without it. 

I grab the hat and slip it onto my head, it hung on loosely but was very snuggly and warm. It has been a few hours since I saw Law, he's probably hungry. I leave his room and head towards the dining hall. 

"Y/n! I thought you might have gotten lost. Are you hungry?" The dining hall is empty, save for Utah who was busying herself in the kitchen. I shake my head as she grabs my hand and leads me into the kitchen.

"No no! You must eat, orders from the Captain! He said you are extremely malnourished and underweight." I sit down at the bench and watch Utah as she cooks up a stew for me.
"I came here to get Law some food, he's been working for a long time and needs a break. Otherwise, he will overwork his body and won't have the energy for his cells to-" I stop speaking, realising I was beginning to rant. 

Utah smiles at me, placing a cup of tea on the table before sitting down opposite me.
"That's very sweet of you, you seem to have some medical knowledge. Unfortunately, our dear Captain doesn't eat or sleep much. I think this crew has kept him too busy," Utah chuckles, "he never eats the meals I prepare for him when he's been working long hours. Usually, a cup of black coffee keeps him going. He fails miserably when it comes to doctoring himself." 

She laughs and takes a drink out of her cup. I sniff mine, the scent of peppermint wafts through the air, before taking a small sip. Utah stands up and hands me a bowl of soup. 

I thank her and stare into the pale, steamy liquid. I'd never have thought I'd be able to eat delicious food again, I am truly grateful. 

Despite the heavenly smell, I had to force down spoonfuls of the meal. Having two meals in the span of less than 12 hours was very different to having one meal per day. 

But I know that I have to eat, to make up for all the nutrition I lack and to become stronger. It took me at least half an hour to finish the bowl. I stand up and take my bowl to the sink, like how the rest of the crew did when they finished their meal. 

The edge of Law's hat slips, covering my eyes, and the sleeve hinders my grip.
"It's ok y/n, just leave it on the table. Jeez, we need to get you some clothes that fit, that jumper almost goes down to your knees!" I glance down, "Ok, maybe that was a little exaggeration." I place the bowl by the sink and Utah washes it.

"But I like it, it makes me feel safe because it smells like Law." Utah smiles and sighs, "Ah, young people, how cute!" I don't know what she means. 

She looks fairly young as well, her short chestnut hair and smooth tan skin that glows under the kitchen light. 

I look around the kitchen, everything is clean and organised, unlike the rest of the ship, and everything seems to shine with pride as if they are proud to have Utah as their master. 

She must really love cooking. I think back to when I caught a few glimpses of her cooking a few hours ago. 

A smile had been on her face every time and she took time into perfecting each meal for the crew. It must be wonderful to have something that one could enjoy so much doing. 

I remember how my mother used to cook my favourite meal, how she would sing and dance as the aroma filled the whole house.

"Utah, what does Law like to eat?"

A/N: I gotta admit, there were some pretty damn adorable you moments in this chapter. I swear my face is cramping from smiling so much- anywayyss >> your thoughts? ^3^

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