I am the Alpha - Part 16

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Sorry i left you guys on a bit of a cliffy last time :)

Next bit is a little short...

Thanks for reading it means so much!!!! You seriously have no idea. When i went to school today i was running around doing a happy dance cause i now have over 11,000 READS!!!!!! :D

Remeber to:






 Edited 26/9/11



Where are they? Walking out towards the canteen and grabbing my lunch I search around for them. I can smell where they usually sit and that they are near by but only that. A bunch of slutty girls with matching hairstyles and implants are hanging around close by; Cheerleaders. So where is the football team?? Is that where the pack is?

One of the cheerleaders turns around noticing me standing around and motions for me to come over. “You’re the new guy, right?” She asks playing with her long bleached blonde hair flirtatiously

“Yeah, Cole” I say smirking at her obviously easy attitude

“Cole, I’m Katrina” She smiles at me with her baby blue eyes twinkling. “This is Ashley, Brittany, Megan, Jessie, Candi, Amber, Tiffany and Sam” She introduces what must be the cheerleading team.

“Hey” I reply still smirking. I’m definitely going to have fun with some of these airheads.

 A wave of power and the unforgettable scent of the East Forest pack washes over me and turning around my eyes finally reach them.


They come strolling towards their seats as another wave of power hits me almost making me fall back a step. Six typical, strong, pack orientated werewolves. They are built like football players and like all werewolves they stand out amongst the human guys effectively turning several heads as they walk. One of them has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and its obvious the power is flowing from him; must be the Alpha. He is laughing with the girl who is leading them towards their table her long brown hair trailing behind her. Since when do wolves let females in their packs?

Damn she’s hot! She’s definitely the she-wolf I had smelt with the Alpha. She reeks of him. In fact she seems to have all their scents laced around her. What is she, some kind of entertainment? They seem to gravitate around her none of them talking just smiling and laughing, must be the link. I let my eyes scan her body taking in her black jeggings, converse and the resting on the oversized t-shirt she has tied up behind her back. Is it the Alpha’s?

A few guys start whistling but the wolves all glare at them telling them to back off the second the sounds comes out of their mouths. Protective much? The girl just smiles and rolls her eyes as if she is used to it by now.

Yep, I’m definitely taking her as my own. I like a challenge, getting to this girl is certainly going to offer that. I can’t help smirking as I imagine getting her alone with me and then destroying her pack.

Does he really think I haven’t noticed him standing over there watching us? I mean the guys obviously are clueless but I can tell when there’s a foreign wolf around and I noticed him the second we started walking towards our usual table. Power rolls off him in waves and he sure as hell looks cocky as he smirks surrounded by the cheer-sluts. He better not be expecting to join our pack because he has another thing coming.

I chuckle to myself as I watch him eyeing off Jack assuming he’s Alpha. He is in for a shocker. Reaching our usual hangout I wait for the guys to sit down before I choose where to sit, well who to sit on. There just isn’t ever enough space for all of us to sit down so I usually sit on someone. Hmmm, who looks the most comfy? My eyes trail them as I contemplate; finally deciding on Jack to play along with this rogues obvious assumptions of leadership.

I chuck my bag on the ground carelessly, not really caring where it lands and then sit my-self down on Jack’s lap and put my feet on Sam; smiling up at them as I make myself comfy and decide whose food to pinch. Hmmm… I fancy chips. Looking around I soon spot some... “Chase?” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

“Erin?” He smirks thinking I’m flirting with him and I can’t help but laugh before staring meaningfully at the pack of chips in his hands. Realizing what I’m asking he chucks them across the table into my waiting hands.  


All of a sudden I feel a warning pulse pumping through my veins and I look up to find myself looking into a pair of piercing blue eyes that belong to new guy, the werewolf. He casually makes his way over towards us from the cheerleaders who has undoubtedly flocked him as soon as he arrived.

“Hey I’m Cole, I’m new here” He tells us as he approaches.

“Hey, I’m Jack.” Jack introduces himself before introducing each of us in turn. Cole’s eyes linger on each of us as we are introduced but as the attention comes to me I can feel him scanning every inch of me with his penetrating eyes. Sam apparently noticed too and his face screw up in anger. “Dude, if you’re going to be friends with us then Erin is out of bounds, hell she’s out of bounds anyway so stop scanning her with your eyes” he growls warningly sounding slightly animalistic.

I finally look up at his face once again, taking in his long lashes, exaggerated jaw line and shaggy black hair. I have to give it to him he’s smoking but then again most werewolves are due to our athletic builds and our mythical ancestry.

He tests the air searching through our scents like wolves do when they meet each other in the wild. I quickly lean back into Jack, making sure our scents mix together effectively leaving Cole clueless as to the balance of power in our Pack. I don’t know why it was important to me but I continue to follow my instincts. Thankfully Jack hugs me; pulling me ever closer towards him little does he know that he just helped me keep our secret from a possible enemy werewolf.

: ‘You okay Erin?’ Jack questions :

: ‘Just sleepy’ :

: ‘Go to sleep we’ll wake you when the bell goes’ :

: ‘Nah, I’ll wait otherwise I’ll be really sleepy during next period’

: ‘Ok’ :

It feels good being held in my brother’s protective arms, it makes me feel calm and safe. I’m capable of looking after myself but sometimes moments like this one are just nice. It makes a difference from usual were we just don’t get all sappy and brother-sisterly like this because I don’t like being babied and he likes teasing me too much.

: ‘Comfy?’ :

: ‘Mhmm, you are just a perfect seat’ :

Jack starts laughing out loud and Cole looks over at us with a questioning look. Yeah, I know he knows we are talking in our heads but he seems to be trying to play dumb. How thick can he get?

“So Cole, where’d you transfer from?” I ask

“Up North”

“How far North?”

“Just past the state border”

Did that mean he was from...? No way, he can’t be... 

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora