Chapter 14

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Lan Qiren looks towards his older nephew and see how serious he is looking right now and understand whatever his nephew is going to tell him will not gonna be a good news. After taking his few seconds Lan Qiren said " I promise that whatever you are going to tell me will always be stay secret and I will not tell even a single soul about it". Satisfied with the reply, Lan Xichen continue " Uncle as you know Young master Wei is missing for almost 5 months and there is not a single news about him. According to the person who last saw him, told sect leader Jiang that the Wen soldiers captured him which were leading by Wen Chao. So, after the war Wen Chao and Wen Xu were kept alive in the prison of Nie sect on the special request of Wangji and Sect Leader Jiang. After the conference, Wangji and Sect Leader Jiang went to the Nie sect to interrograte Wen Chao along with young master Nie. After entering the prison where Wen Chao was captured, Sect Leader Jiang asked him about Young master Wei and ... "Lan Xichen stop talking and take a long sigh.

Lan Qiren sees that Xichen is hesitating so he asks " what did Wen Chao told them? " Taking a long breath lan Xichen continues " he told them 'i throw him in Burial Mounds". Lan Qiren is in shock is an understatement, he does not know how to react to the information he just got from his older nephew. After taking few long breaths, he starts "where is Wen Chao now ?" "Sect Leader Jiang killed both Wen brothers in few minutes after hearing the news"lan Xichen replies. Lan Qiren nodded his head since he don't know what else to say. After some minutes sitting in complete silence, Lan Qiren stands from his seat and looks towards Lan Xichen and said "I'm going back to my room, you have some rest" and left the room.

Next day, Lan Xichen went to meet his brother in jingshi and knock on the door, few seconds later the door of the jingshi opens, Lan Xichen enters the room and saw this brother sitting on his bed, other nothing but just staring at the wall blankly. Xichen sit beside his brother and said "Wangji I went to Nie Sect yesterday". Hearing this Wangji immediately understand that Nie Huaisang told him what news they got that day and why his brother is here since his brother is the only person who knows his feelings towards Wei Wuxian without him telling. He still don't know how his brother can read him this perfectly like he is reading a open book. He waits for his brother to continue and taking his hint, his brother did continue "I know Wangji that is impossible for you to forget about Young master Wei and I am not going to tell you to forget about him and move forward. But do you think, Young Master Wei would be happy seeing his friend locking himself in a room because his friend blame himself for his death".

Wangji knows that his Wei Ying always wanted to make people around him happy and would never wanted anyone to be sad because of him. He knows that his brother is right, but he can't help himself but think about what ifs. Lan Xichen continues "Wangji you knows Young Master Wei better that any of us, he always wanted to protect everyone around him. If you want to make him happy in his afterlife I think you should help him in completing his wish by protecting the people who needs your protection. Locking yourself in this room will not help you, but going outside may".

Lan Xichen stand up after he told Wangji what he wanted to tell him and left the jingshi. Wangji think about what his brother said and remember the promise they both made at the lantern festival ceremony.

On the other hand, Wei Wuxian is enjoying his life as much as he can. He is happy with the life he is living now where nobody judge him, didn't expect anything from him. Wang Zhuocheng and Yi Fei are now like a family to him even thought he is living with him only not more than a week. The people of this village are also very friendly and easy going. He does not mind living rest of his life here without the care about the Cultivation world problems.

Currently he is sitting with the Wang Zhuocheng and Yi Fei enjoying his breakfast made by Yi Fei which is very tasty. They are chatting with each other in between their meal. Wang Zhuocheng health is not very good for last few months and he knows that he does not much time left. He wants his daughter to marry when he is still alive to a good man who can take care of her when he is gone.

He is searching for a perfect partner for his daughter for a months now but nobody seems to fit. He looks towards his daughter who is currently laughing because Wangxian cracks a joke. That boy have the ability of making anyone smile with his own smile. When he first saw him, he knows that he has potential and from last week that had proved him right. He is taking care of everything in the field and also helps his daughter in the household works even if Yi Fei told him that he didn't have to.

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