at odds

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This is when ur eleven, its Christmas break, the twins are three years older, ur just Ginnys little Friend and they're her annoying big brothers

"I want you all on your best behavior! Ginny is having her new friend over and I don't want you all wracking it up for her!" I overhear as I step out of the floo nervously. Ginny smiles at me, giggling a little.

"That's living with brothers for you." We both snicker and her dad comes through next, brushing himself off and bringing my trunk back to full size.

I grin up at him, "thank you, Mr. Weasley." I say in a shakey shy voice.

"No problem at all," he says gently, "call me Arthur, dear." He moves to the opening between the living area and what'd I'd guess is the kitchen, "alright then, George, Fred why don't you carry Miss L/N's suitcase upstairs to Ginny's room for her?"

"Ah, why not make the runt do it?" I hear a whiny voice call out.

"Its not like he's doing anything," a similar one continues.

"Just stuffing his face,"

"Yeah, he could use a little separation from his food, don't you think?"

There's a loud screech of offense, "hey!"

Mr. Weasley's hands found his hips, "boys." He said sternly.

The twins, that I've maybe seen once or twice, come around the corner now, muttering and snickering to eachother. They come to a stop in front of us stiff as boards, "your personal slaves have arrived." One says saluting.

"Yes, would you like toast, a foot rub?" I frown a little, looking at Ginny, worried this was my fault.

Ginny glares at them, "just do what you were told!" She frowns and grabs my hand, pulling me away. As she's pulling me, one makes eye-contact with me and does a dramatic bow.

It had been a few days into my visit and I received a crude awakening. The classic water dumped all over me with added sparkles. When I saw the twins laughing in the door, I growled, jumped from the bed and began chasing after them.

Then, we were playing outside, building a snowman, when snowballs began being pelted at us. That began a vicious snowball fight, that ended with me having a split lip from ice that didn't stop me until Mrs. Weasley made me.

The twins continued to prank me and annoy me at school, especially Fred. We'd get into fights and too many times would end up in the hospital wing.

"Frederick Weasley!" I screeched, anger seeping through me because of the green hair on my head.

"Shh." He mocked, pretending to read a book, "I'm trying to study." I sneer and shoot the book out of his hands, "hey!" He stood up, "now I'm gonna have to pay for that!"

"Serves you right for this!" I gesture to my hair and a few people chuckle.

"Who said that was me?" He raised his chin, but that smirk said it all.

"I know it was you Gideon!" I emphasize his middle name with a sneer because although he loves who he is named after he does not love the name.

His lips twist in disgust, "and it's hilarious!" He crosses his arms with a smug look on his face.

"If you like it so much, here," and I hex his hair to be bright neon green.

"I hate your brothers!" I grumble to Ginny, she'd stop asking which ones a while ago.

"A lot of people do." She replies, laying back and watching me glare into the mirror.

"I will never stop hating them, not even a little!" I calm down a little and fall back on her bed.

"Better?" She smiles and I do too.

"Yeah a little."

Nothing changed in second year, other than me being twelve and the twins fifteen.

"Careful where you go, (name you dont like)," Fred's voice in my ear, making my upper lip curl.

"You might get snatched up," the other one says and I try to push them away.

Fred comes in front of me with a wicked grin for emphasis, "What with Sirius Black on the loose."

"I don't know Freddy," George starts.

"You're right Georgie, not even Sirius Black would want to go near her." Fred says with an evil little smirk.

I glare at them, "will you two ever grow up? We we're just sitting here minding our own business when you decided, hey let's go badger Y/N and make her life miserable."

Fred's lip curls up a little and his brother glances at him taking a step back. "You make our lives more miserable than our lovely attention ever could."

I hold my head up, "I could go a thousand years without your attention, Gideon."

"So could I!" He shouts in defense and I seriously wonder how this could be a fifteen year old in front of me.

I stand up crossing my arms, "grow up!"

He steps closer, "what do you know about growing up? You're twelve!"

"I act more mature than you ever could!" I spit, hands moving to my hips.

"You can't even use the word mature, you're a little girl!"

"You act like a prepubescent four year old that got his candy taken away!" I step closer and just feel a strong itch to grab my wand.

"Excuse me?" We both look over, not only was the entire common room watching, but Mcgonagall stood in the middle of it, "when are you two going to grow up?" We glance at each other quickly, before looking away in spite. "Come along then."

She takes us to the greenhouses where we have to move Bubotuber plants and end up fighting until we both get it on our hands and are dragged to the hospital wing still fighting.

Growing Older (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now