growing up

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I went to the world cup with them. I absolutely love quidditch and excitedly moved through the crowd. Somehow I got mashed between the twins in the stands.

They looked down at me with grins, "we could just throw you off." Of course it was Fred that said it.

"I would love if you fell off to your death."

"To watch you screaming in horror, sounds like it would be the highlight of the cup." He snarls and sticks his tongue out at me.

I glare at him, "mature."

The match was intense, I was practically falling with half my body leaned out over the railing. A hand comes up and pulls me back, I look back, its Fred's. He's not looking at me, just cheering and shouting laughing with his brother, but his hand drops from my shoulder.

It's odd, he's sixteen and I'm thirteen it feels imbalanced. He always liked to point out that I'm a little girl, just a child, but I never felt a different age than him. If anything, I felt older.

We didn't fight for awhile after that, just enjoyed the match and the company of our friends and family, without much thought to eachother.

Its embarrassing how scared I was when the death eaters crashed the party. Fred grabbed my hand and George grabbed Ginny's and we ran. When we made it, Fred didn't let go, hand clamped around my hand as the only way he'll show his fear as he and George made little jokes to help Ginny calm down.

"Better let dad know the kids are good." Fred told George. I don't know why it made me frown so much when he called us kids.

That and one other thing as a child I blocked from my memory, worried I might grow feelings never to be reciprocated because I'm just his kid sisters friend.

When we got back and everyone seperated, his hand still held mine in the hall near the attic. He clasped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, but gentle. He shook violently for awhile, not crying, just letting out all the fear that he hid away in the moment.

These are two memories, I block out because it may have made my heart flutter just a little, but afterward he treated me the same as always, maybe worse. We got into our worst fight yet after that.

"No!" I spin around and look at the big sneer on Fred's face. "He is way too old for you."

"I was joking and when did you start eavesdropping on other people's conversations?" I angrily stand from where I was talking to Gin. I was making a joke about asking Oliver Wood out, if he'd been listening he would've heard the part about how quidditch is his one and only love.

He seemed really mad over nothing, "since when did you like Oliver?" He didn't yell, that was something.

"I dont, I never have, I was making a joke. Stop acting like Ron."

He glares at that part, "good, you're just a kid."

Now, I don't know why I'm so mad. "Will you stop saying that?!" I shout.

"Its the truth! You're thirteen!" His voice rises with mine.

My mouth twists in fury, "at least I act my age!"

He has the audacity to laugh, "that's the problem!"

My eyes sting from frustration, "stop treating me like a kid! I'm not your little sister!" I step closer.

"You might as well be!" We both seemed to make a face at that, but I didn't know how to read his.

"Absolutely not! I would have jumped at the world cup if you were my brother!" I snap.

"If I had a little kid for a sister like you, I would have too. Child." I still don't understand why he was being so mean, he never had been that mean before. That was the first fight I ever ran away from because I didn't want him to see my angry tears.

The fights were brutal after that, but I think I know now it had a lot to do with me protecting myself. Then one night, it was the Yule Ball and I sat in the common room, waiting for everyone to get back. Fred came in and I checked the time, "you're early." I said, stiffly.

"George stole my date." But he had this little smile on his face that made me think maybe that was the plan all along. He came over and sat next to me. "What boring book are you reading?" He says lightly, but I glare at him.

"Why do you think-" my voice grows when he cuts me off.

"I don't wanna fight tonight." He looked tired and almost pleading, "I've felt like Ron these past couple of months." He grimaces.

Tears shine in my eyes, starting to feel like it was my fault, "Fred-"

"What book is it?" He asks again, softly.

"Quidditch Through The Ages." I answer, clearing my throat.

He grins, "you're right, it isn't a stupid book." He lays back and puts his head in my lap. "Read to me." That's when my crush may have started.

Fourth year was when the toad came in and I found myself in a rebellious streak. Fred and I fought less and it became more meaningless picking and sarcastic comments.

I got my first detention pretty quick, I couldn't hold my tongue around her. I had to write, 'I must not talk back,' multiple times and that wouldn't be the last time I'd have to write the same thing.

It wasn't until the third detention that Fred noticed. He'd grabbed my hand and grimaced, even though he and his brothers were absolutely awful and 10× worse than mine. "How many times have you had write this?" He questions with an angry lilt to it.

"A lot." I reply, grimacing and taking my hand back. When he looked up, I saw tears in his eyes, but he just smiled.

"Y/N/N getting detention, who'd have thought." He sits with me on the couch to spread that stuff on it gently. "I want to send that toad straight to Azkaban." I hear him mutter.

One night in April, Fred came down and layed his head in my lap again. "If she ever gives you- anyone trouble I'll just be an owl away." And this feeling I'd had for a few weeks was confirmed.

I shut my book and look down at his brown eyes, "when are you guys leaving?" I always want to brush my fingers through his hair and now I finally give in and smile a tiny bit when his eyes close.

"Soon." He sighs then and gets up, sitting all the way at the other end of the couch. I try not to frown. "Wanna come?" He asks and I can't decide if that grin is earnest or joking.

I smile too, "be your little cashier at the joke shop?"

"Yeah, why not?" He laughs a little, "great benefits, you get to see two handsome twins all the time."

"Hows the pay? Joke candy a day?" I question with a smirk.

"Whatever you want." He grins. I shake my head standing.

"Goodnight, Fred." I say softly.

"Goodnight, Y/N." I didn't realize for a long time that he was being serious.

Growing Older (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now