Ch. 4

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Dropping your empty coffee cup in a random trashcan outside of the building, you push open the door to Sakurayashiki Calligraphy, scanning the lobby nervously as you walked in.

There were quite a few people seated in chairs in the lobby, and a woman was fiddling with the water fountain while her son watched her, clinging onto the hem of her maxi skirt. Most of the seated people ignored you, though the little boy next to the woman watched you with wonder in his eyes.

You walked up to the front desk, wiping your hands on your skirt nervously. The receptionist clicked on something on her computer, then looked at you, giving you her full attention.

"Welcome to Sakurayashiki Calligraphy, My name is Hinata. What may I help you with?" The woman said, shifting a pile of papers to be able to rest her hands on her desk.

"I'm here for an job interveiw, my name is [y/n] [l/n]? I'm supposed to be here at 10am." You say, straightening up. Hinata smiled, typing something up on her comnputer. "Ah, I was hoping I'd get to see you. I've heard of your small business, where you paint everyday objects. I wanted to see your style. A lot of artists I know let their art shine through in their fashion, and you did not disapoint," She rants, gesturing to your earrings.

"See? Fantastic. I'm going to assume you made those, too?" You nod, taken aback by her eagerness. Your business was only up for a couple of months this summer, and it's not like you were famous or something.

She must really pay attention to people in the art world.

I wouldn't expect anything less coming from the desk lady of the esteemed Sakurayashiki company.

You touch your ears, feeling the earrings you made with shrink plastic jingle under your touch.

She flushes, pushing her glasses farther up her nose in embarrassment. "I've rambled on too long, now haven't I?" Hinata says, not quite looking for a response. "Well, Mr. Sakurayashiki will be waiting for you in his office, you go down this hallway and its the last door on the left. Mr. Sakurayashiki prefers to interveiw his new employment himself, so expect to see him in his office waiting for you." She finishes, pointing to the hallway you need to go down.

You smile, thanking her and walking away from the front dest. Heels clacking on the floor, you check your watch.

9:54 AM.

You shift you blazer sleeve down to hide your watch, almost bumping into someone in the process. You bow hastily, saying, "Gosh I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

You glance up at the young man you almost knocked to the ground, standing up straight once more.

He looked highschool age, also juding by his school uniform, which you recognized as the male version of the uniform you yourself wore in highschool. Very lanky, with light blue hair that hung around his face, hiding his ears, and a neutral expression.

He looked surprised, saying, "Oh, I didn't even feel anything, you're okay. I'm alright."

You smile, internally sighing. "Ah, that's good. Well I'm off now, sorry to bother you!" You grin, walking past him before he could answer.

God, that was awkward.

Must be nice to be able to talk to people without loosing your head, like that boy just did.

You walk down the hallway Hinata had directed you to, stopping at the door she had indicated and checking your watch.

9:58 AM.

The nameplate on said door read "Kaoru Sakurayashiki", so you assumed it was the right office.

Shaking off your nerves, you bring your hand up, knocking on the door timidly.

"Come in."


There is nothing more fun on this earth that writing these chapters istg

I tried to think of the most generic anime name for Miss Receptionist, and it was either Hinata or Sato, and I decided on Hinata lmaoooo

Also can we talk about how hard [y/n] is girlbossing these last two chapters istg

Girlbossing so hard she almost knocked over someones boyfriend



Wonder who that mysterious blue haired boy was

Def not anyone you know

Thanks for reading!

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