Story Seven - The Breaking Storm: Part 2 - 7

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We were greeted by a pair of skreens playing random shapes against the wall. Euphero and Baron's voices chatted about nothing much, obvious now that we were close enough to hear them. Throw in the word 'gun' and 'escape' and 'close one' enough times and you believe the conversation is relevant. Everything pre-recorded.

The room was empty.

Two seconds after the realisation clicked in her head, Z9 screamed. She ripped one of the skreens off the wall and threw it against the floor, before proceeding to trample it into clouds of glassy dust. She raced to the window and looks outside. 'Wrong way.' She pushed past me, a mild inconvenience, and raced back to the door. 'Quick.'

Then the remaining skreen changed to live video footage of a young woman in a long black coat, almost cloak-like. 'Z9.'

Z9 spins and shoots for the skreen. A chunk of wall turned to cinders.

'I know you're upset, but that's your own fault.'

The gun trembled in her hand.

I backed myself into the shadows and hoped I don't disturb her.

'Simple misdirection. Park the car by one building and run the other way. They're heading out of the Area by now, and don't worry; you and the rest of your little gang won't find them again unless I want them to.'

Z9's face was solid stone. 'Not even Vayn's body? I thought you wanted to kill him?'

'Euphero likes to take my authority out for a spin every now and then. I'll be having words.'

'And where are you? Playing escort and getting them safely away from the danger zone?'

'Oh please, Z9; you know I wouldn't do something like that myself. That's why I've got an organisation behind me, to do things that I don't want to. I left personal appearances a long time ago.'

Z9 took a slow step to the skreen. There's a snarl across her lips that I didn't like. I wonder if all of these Z agents have the same sexy-but-aggressive personas, and if they're selected for it or if it has to be instilled in them through training. It's possible. Anyway, this wasn't a sexy-but-aggressive smile. This was psychopathy in a look. 'Didn't have the guts to show up in person?' Z9 asks. 'So scared to get your hands dirty?'

'This isn't about you, Z9. This was set up for Z11, who we knew was on our tail, just in case something went wrong. You're just a happy accident.'

'Look at that. Something the mighty Black Queen can't predict. That is the name you're flaunting all over the news now, isn't it? Heir to the lost throne of Celestria, or so you seem to have deluded yourself into thinking. As if Celestria owes you something.'

The Black Queen shrugs. 'You gave me the name. And anyway, we really shouldn't be arguing. As much as you might hate to admit it, we're on the same side.'

'Fuck off.'

'No, honestly we are. You'll see. The cogs are turning now. Stars are aligning. And you and me will be fighting side by side against the same enemy very soon.' The Black Queen salutes. 'Be seeing you soon, pretty one.'

'Evangra!' Z9 lunges for the skreen but it cuts out. The pixel void stares back.

Z9 looked deep into it, transfixed. The room was silent save for her breathing, which was hard, ragged, and guttural. Her shaking could have brought down the building, and there was enough pressure on the grip of her gun to melt it to her flesh.

After a moment, I dared to speak. 'Who was that?'

Z9 didn't answer immediately. Her eyes remained fixed on the blank screen, as if the ghost of the woman on the other end still lingered there. 'The Black Queen. Xerou Evangra. Leader of the terrorist organisation, Baron.'

I shudder. 'Even I've heard of them.'

Z9 nods, defeated. 'Red Rose is their research group, led by Vayn 'Baron' Riktana.'

'Baron isn't his surname?'

'It is now. Legally changed when he became leader. Rule 1 to owning someone; change their name and change their identity.'


'The Queen's pet. A bitch in heat.'

I took it all in as I tried to fight off another wave of weariness making its way towards me. 'And those hooded goons? The ones they were fighting with in the vaults?'

Police sirens draw near outside the warehouse. The red and blue are like lightning bolts, blood and steel spikes ramming under my eyes and pushing against my temples.

'A sound of thunder.'

I remember falling onto my knees as the police shouted above the sirens and rain. I remember seeing Z9 still with her back to me as I toppled forward. I remember realising I was passing out, and being unable to stop it.

I remember nothing for three days after that.


Markro came to visit me in the hospital, having survived the Ochre Vaults warzone. The best Celestria could offer, courtesy of the C.A.T. Everyone came to visit, but Markro was there more often than anyone else.

When I was well able to comprehend what had happened, I broached the subject of Z11. He shook his head.

'Could never find the body. They're still excavating the rubble in the cleanup operation, but we don't know for sure.'

'So she could be alive.'

Markro gave a weak smile and patted my arm. 'Get some rest,' he said. 'I don't think you're going to be in one of those beds the next time you come into a hospital, so make the most of it.'

I followed his orders. My eyes closed, and the drumming of the rain on the windows guided me to my dark, clouded dreams.



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