Touch my problem child and you're dead!

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Aizawa's POV:

The moment I saw him hold my problem child lilke that I started sprinting even more and kicked the man into his face right after punching him and sending him flying away. Of course I didn't gave him time to recover at all.

Since there was Todoroki with me, I could just focus on the fight between me and that shitty dirt-bag without any regrets. The situation I found mz dear green kitten in was dire and I could tell that a little bit more force and his neck would have snapped. Not only that but the man used his quirk on Izuku too. I could see his hand glow and lit up a bit. That would for sure end up scraed.


Endeavor: What?

Me: Touch my child and you are done!

Endeavor: He was the one in my damn car.

Me: Sure and all the wounds are self inflicted!

Endeavor: Believe it or not but they are.

Me: Hm-mh! You know what! Tell that to the other demons in hell!

The moment I said that I took used my capture scarf and didn't gave him quite a chance. Now that I had him completly wrapped up in my scraf which was also fire proof may I add, there was no way he could walk away or harm anyone else.

Knowing this I dragged him over to me and punched the man into his face while he was laying down on the ground. It felt like I broke his nose and it was also bleeding pretty badly.

Me: You motherfucker! I warned you before!

I swear!

If Izuku were not in such a dire state I would end your life right here and right now!

I don't need any witnesses at all.

I don't even give a damn shit if my problem kitten and the other problem child are here!

You are soo lucky I don't want to influct a bad inmage on Izuku since he is capable of killing anyone if he want too!

I saw his notebooks!

You really are lucky that he didn't get the chance to fight.

Should I let him finish it?

Nah.... Better not make him move at all.

That sound!

As I was dragging the huge fake hero over to Izuku and Todoroki I could tell that Izuku's condition wasn't the best. Thankfully Todoroki made him sit down leaning against the car and just focus breathing.

Todoroki: I already called an ambulance.

Me: Police?

Todoroki: On the way.

Me: How about him?

Izuku: Alive *cough* *cough**cough*

It was exactly the moment he answered me that I could have face palmed myself. Sometimes he was the brightest and most promising student I ever had and then there were this situations when I was questioning myself if he ever thinks at all. Now was one of them.

Me: Problem child... don't talk.

Todoroki: Please bunny.

Me: Todoroki, hold this and do whatever you want with him. Izuku let me check you injuries.

I had some first aid kit with me and took it out. I always wear one and I also had some ointment against burns too. You never knew what would happen when being on patrol and I liked being prepared.

Todoroki took the end of my scarf and started wenting out his anger on his father. I couldn't hear what Endeavor says since I had my scarf over his mouth so that he wouldn't be able to talk at all. However what I did hear was the noice of hitting and I could smell something burned as well as felt coldness.

I was sure Endeavor was in good hands with his son paying him back.

Now I had something more important to check. I went over to Izuku which meant closer to him and then crouched down right next to him.

Me: I'll just check how many ribs are broken. Don't be frightened when I pull your shirt up. Just node if you are okay with it.

After I said that I waited for a little nod and then continues whith inspecting him. Once I pulled up the shirt, I could see how bad it looked. Just judging from how he was breathing and seeing his chest I could tell that probably 2 or maybe 3 bones were broken.

Me: May I touch your chest to see how badly broken they are.

Another nod.


I knew I should have done more to that garbage!

2 bones completely broken and piercing his loungs.

Another one broken but not out of place.

This is bad.

Its a miracle he is still able to breath!

Me: Okay, I'll apply some medicine on the wounds I can see and some first aid.

Another nod and I started to work on the kid until I could hear some sirens. That meant I had to stop Todoroki from killing his father completely in front of other peoples eyes.

Me: Todoroki come over here.

Thankfully he stopped and I didn't need to stop him. He was more worried about Izuku than being anry at his father and so he was immediately a couple of seconds later right next to me.

Me: Stay with Izuku, get him to a hostpital, I'll deal with the police and your father.

Todoroki: He isn't my father, just a sperm donor.

Me: Whatever.

Just like that I had Todoroki taking care of his boyfriend which I approved too. They both were a match made in heaven and me and Zashi were the same oppinion. This is also one reason why I ran over here because I knew that this piece of garbage couldn't understand that his own son was gay. The child was bron this way and he needed to accept this but the man couldn't do it.

Right after the police arrived the ambulance arrived and took them away. I was left on sight hanling the police and making sure that he would never get out of prision until he is dead and even then be burried into the walls of the prison forever staying there. That was at least what I wished for but I could only make him stay there for a life time and not more. However I was sure that he had a special place reserved in hell.

A/N: Some more Tododeku for the heart!

A/N: Some more Tododeku for the heart!

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