A Deal With A Demon

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Here's the next chapter guys enjoy!!
Be warned mature content, which is nudity of a character.


I lay in the back seat in my orange and white kitty form since Nobu told Dean and Sam to watch over me while in heat, while he went off to go find his contacts he knows to look up lore on Angels.
He knows contacts who has info of anything created by God in the world, which is across the world in Europe, so he had to take a plane there.
Nobu gave both men instructions when I rake my rear up to them while in heat to rub my hips and above my tail to induce an orgasm, and I'll settle down awhile or try a Q-tip and rub it against my couchie, until I settle down, and Sam refused to do it, but Dean took it upon himself to do things like that so he bought tons of Q-tips, and whenever I put my rear to both of them Dean would rub my couchie with a Q-tip until I settled down, which felt so good to be honest, but it settled me down everytime for a few hours.
Sam looked disgusted and uncomfortable everytime Dean had to do it, but not Dean, cause he's seen me naked in my human form so he is comfortable I guess to do this to take care of me.

I just had a Q-tip session when both brothers stopped for burgers, and Sam I could tell was holding in the urge to not vomit as he ate as Dean did what he had to do, settle me down with the Q-tip rubbing it against my couchie until I calmed down.

But after the session I was laying down on my side staring up at Dean chowing down on his burger, and watch him tear off a piece of meat with cheese on it, and gave me it, which I took in my kitty fangs, and gobbled it up, and he rubbed my kitty ears in a loving way, saying.
"I'd never forget about feeding you Nora never in my life."
I meow in reply as he gave me another cheesy piece of hamburger.

I purr happily I'm being fed.
"You know she's gonna get fat in her cat form right if you feed her that crap?"
Sam says to Dean and I hiss at him in reply.

"Sam shut up!"
Dean grits out.

Sam humphed biting into his salad he was eating in the impala.

"We need to stop the seals as I said from being broken Sam."
Dean sighs, and looked to me over his shoulder, and the road.
"And protect Nora when she's in heat.
Gawd I can't believe I even said that!"

"And you can play with her hooha with a Q-tip when she gets freaky."
Sam says sarcastically, and Dean bopped Sam over the head.
"What the hell Dean?!"

"Dude that's uncalled for!
Don't you think she feels totally embarrassed she's gotta have me and Nobu do that to her?!"
Dean grouched out.

Sam sighs shaking his head, and I yawn at their argument, me bored of it.
"Great she's mocking us Sammy!"
Dean says sarcastically, and I chitter a meow in reply, which was me laughing.

Oh course I was, I was enjoying them squabbling like little kids, it was actually entertaining for me at the moment while I can't do anything to help on hunts at the moment with me being in heat, which really is annoying to no end.

"So can you answer some questions for me on the Cat Shifter thing Nora?
Like are you turned or born at birth being what you are?"
Sam asked me and I meow in reply.

"I bet she'll tell you once she feels peachy Sammy."
Dean says sarcastically to Sam.

"Hardy har har."
Sam says sarcastically back to Dean and Dean flipped Sam the middle birdy.

I had a feeling in the future something will happen, something strange.
It gave me a weird ache in my heart and stomach as I'm in my Kitty Form.
I know something would occur later in the future.

Taboo Love Affair {Dean Winchester Mature Romance {18+}Where stories live. Discover now